Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 1132: : Big news!

Follow the will of the planet and let nature and the universe determine the fate of the elements. This is the ancient heritage of the elemental family and is a creed that no elemental family can violate!

The war in Leviathan is over, but the battle for the Elemental Family is not over yet.

Asked the star cluster: "So what do you plan to do, my family must have their own home in the galaxy, there are more and more star robbers, and many people even go to star robbers."

Alyssa said: "So do you still think this is right! I think Oli Anna also joined the Interstellar Federation because she wanted to seek other access."

Obliterated: "Oli Anna, that woman betrayed the elemental family, she has withdrawn from the elemental family."


"Her partner died and died in the war, so she wanted to take revenge on the elemental family."

"Guang Si is dead?"


"Who killed him?"

"Oli Anna herself"

"how come?!"

Alyssa expressed shock, what exactly was Oli Anna thinking, she had to ask clearly in person.

Alyssa understands that the information possessed by annihilation and others is not necessarily correct, and many things must be figured out by yourself!

"Don't worry about Oli Anna first", said Alyssa: "Notify all elemental stars that our Presbyterian Church intends to launch a galaxy star war."

Extinguishment surprised: "What! Alyssa, are you crazy! Galaxy Star Wars ?!"

"Yes, you are ready to starship, you can not participate, you can hand over your destiny to other races, before you retreated in front of the red star Yao once, and again and again, but I hope you will not go to the end of today!"

Asked the star cluster: "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Because the Ohra adventure team is back, and I am one of them. This is the way I prepared for you. From today, I will be the ethnic elder of the elemental family. Any of you who have opinions can join me. war!"


Everyone can't beat Alisha, and the elders are also forced by Alisha's prestige and trust, and have no objection.

Another elemental elder said: "Alyssa, our elders will support your decision. We can follow you to start the galaxy, but in the future, can our elemental family get peace?"

"Yes! The elemental family should not be bound by the galaxy, and should have its own thoughts and wills. The galaxy is our home and the universe is our home. We should go out and see more of the outside world. Naturally, it is a vast expanse. Why not Sit in the siege! "

There was a lot of discussion among elemental elders, and the junior representatives also whispered.

Elisa continued: "Don't worry about the Federation, this time the enemy is the Federation, and the corrupt regime should be changed!"

"Alyssa, are you serious? In this way, the entire galaxy will be messed up!"

"Unbroken without standing, without death, there is no new life!"

"Nature ..."



Representatives of all elemental families responded one by one and answered "Nature".

This is the highest promise of the element family!

Alyssa said: "I will not be in the galaxy all the time. When I left, the elders of all tribes were responsible for coordinating the daily life of the elemental family. Don't take the elemental family into the ditch!"



Everyone's mouth twitched wildly, and the words were straightforward and direct ...

After dealing with Levistein, Alyssa returned to the Flying Fire Meteor, and the people flew toward the Peja Galaxy on a starship.

Ye Yun asked Alyssa: "Are you sure you have dealt with it, don't you need to stay there?"

"No, if these things can't be done well, then what is the future of the element family!"

Alyssa is obviously a little angry, she is not angry with the elemental family, and the civil strife is not endless, forgetting the creed of nature!

She was angry that the Galactic Federation was corrupt and incompetent, which caused the Galactic chaos and countless deaths and injuries of all ethnic groups.

Isabella said: "Don't be angry, we are trying to get the Milky Way back on track. The next stop, Beja Star, is expected to have a big battle. Let's sum it up."

"it is good!"


"Hello everyone, today is the third star month of the Milky Way ephemeris 41-562. Today we have to insert an important message. Guess what? Well, no longer selling the guanzi, according to reports from related agencies, leading to the era of the Daxing Pirates 'S culprit is back! "

The Galaxy Live News Channel will start broadcasting normally.

But today I changed the host. Zhuo Bing stood in front of the news podium personally. He learned the first-hand information, because this guy is from the elemental family and the ice family!

But Zhuo Bing, as a professional journalist, has always reported the incident fairly.

He continued: "Yes, according to relevant information, the Ohra Star Pirates have returned to the galaxy, and they do not know where they went before. It is said that they have recently stayed in Levistan for a few days and have also prevented It's a lucky luck to continue to erupt. "

Zhuo Bing didn't say much, but just broadcasted the return of the Ohra Star Pirates, and then broadcast other news.

However, all other organizations watching this news were stunned.

"Big news !!"

"That star robber group appeared again!"

"Return! Where did they go before?"

"Wait, did this group of guys stop the elemental civil strife?"

"Big news, big news, Ohra Star Pirates is back in the galaxy!"

"I really don't know what storms will set off again."

"A group of lunatics are back, this era of star robbers is getting more and more interesting hahaha."

"Damn ~ ~ It's just a bit of a stubborn eye. The fall of the Union's integrity is so troublesome, how come there are forces that are hard to manage!"

"Are there any traces of them?"

"Go ask the Prophet."

"Their influence must be kept to a minimum!"

"Ha ha ha, our idol is back! I don't know where Ye Yun they are at this moment, there will definitely be a big event happening, little brothers, be ready to fight anytime !!!"

"Europe !!"

The major forces and races soon got the news.

Interstellar Black Net Headline: Ohra Star Pirates Return to the Galaxy! !

The Leviathan elemental family ended the war, what exactly did the Ohra Star Pirates do?

Federation Star, Te Heya, Oli Anna looked at the information on the interstellar Internet silently.

Her figure was in a state of light, stretched out a light whip, and clicked on the communicator.

"Tell me what happened in Leviathan."

"Alyssa, it's Glacier Alyssa is back! The war in Leviathan is over, she communicates the will of the planet, and in addition, the various elemental families are preparing for war, they"


"They seem to subvert the federal government!"


"Hey, Anna, are you still there?"

"Got it, keep watching."

"Anna, she seems to have joined the Ohra Star Pirates Group, her strength is stronger than before, but the level has not improved."

"Got it, thank you for your notification."

"Well, be careful yourself."

"it is good"

Hang up the communication, Oli Anna's light whip tapped the table case a few times, and then said lightly: "Subvert the regime, she has changed so much, will this be the way out for the elemental family ..."

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