Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 374: :destroy···

Bat star solar system

Here is a powerful planet with advanced technology and strong ethnic identity.

Three thousand years ago, they had walked out of this galaxy. Only in the continuous battle, they preferred to use the ontology to fight until they were seriously hit by the technological race, which began to study technology.

But the body of the Bat star people is not suitable for researching technology. They are clumsy because they are a family of monsters and beasts.

In this case, they arrested scientists of other races and began to provide scientific and technological services for themselves. During these processes, their planet was eroded and used by evil forces.

The Sky Batman is not smart. Compared to those ambitions, they are like stupid bulls.

However, when the Wise Star's wise men discovered this problem, it was too late, they could not get rid of the rapid development of technology, and those who have been brainwashed.

They can only continue to follow the footsteps of their predecessors, they do not want to return to that barbarous era.

Nowadays, Batstar is no longer the sky of the Batman. Among them are not only strong men of all races, but also a group of conspirators hidden in the dark.

Bat star, this black and white planet, how beautiful it was originally, the black is the earth, and the white is the ocean.

The mountains are soaring, the green trees are the shade of trees, and the Batman is born here. Until the development of technology, there are fewer and fewer green trees and mountains.

This planet has become black and white.

Three light years away, a 10,000-meter space crack suddenly appeared.

It's just that there is no starship coming out of this space crack. After three seconds, when this crack starts to heal, massive energy rays begin to gather towards this starry sky!

A cone-shaped starship was shot out of its original form, and the original blurred state was directly shot out. At the same time, the starship turned on energy absorption, crazy energy absorption.

And the entire star field stirred up a special energy of terror, that is the energy unique to Ye Yun.

However, there is too much energy in this starry sky. While the beam is converging, more than a dozen meteorites suddenly burst, blooming a lot of star core flowers!

This is an ambush, an ambush against the horde of Ohra!

"Great, they are ambushed! Don't give them breathing time!"

"The space is blocked, the communication is blocked, the energy is pouring, they can't escape the adults!"

"All the firepower gathers that starship, destroy me !!"

Millions of starships suddenly appeared in this star field, showing a spherical shape, covering the entire star field without dead angles, just to ambush a star ship, flying the fire star!

They come from different races. Among them, Batstar alone has 200,000 starships, the other part is mercenary corps, and the other part is ape starmen, they have 100,000 starships.

In addition, there are Starships of the Charm Zerg, Starships of the Luota Stones, Starships of the Grams and so on.

In short, this ambush involved more than 30 different races and millions of starships!

And the planner is the prophet, Tian Nova Qi!

Less than ten seconds

The entire burst of the Flying Fire Meteor burst, and attacks on this scale, even the star core metal, could not bear it.

The explosion also produced a huge energy response, and the energy belonging to Ye Yun exploded for a round, and then dissipated.

However, the high-energy beam did not stop attacking, until one minute later, one starship after another began to stop fire pouring.

The lens is zoomed in, and the star field has almost everything, even the wreckage is very few.

"Are you really dead?"

"Under this kind of attack, let alone die, I am afraid that all the smoke will be extinguished, and it will be blown into interstellar particles."

"Quick, search for vital signs!"

Three minutes later, Glaris Sky sickle received an exciting news!

"Wang, we found a rescue cabin made of special metal, but it was also destroyed. More than a dozen living bodies were all turned into ashes. We are extracting their cells, but I am afraid it is more difficult because they are all Hahaha exploded. "

"Okay! Blow up well, clan, you can rest in peace, I will avenge you !!"

Galis yelled loudly, and a huge sound wave roared from his throat. Fortunately, the starship command room had undergone special sound absorption treatment, otherwise it would destroy itself.

This ambush was premeditated. On that day, Nova Ki started to prepare when he learned that Ohra was heading to Batstar.

He originally thought that Ohra would directly attack Batstar. He also felt that the time was too late. After all, he found that there was no result.

Then he got new information. It turned out that the Ohra Star Pirates also knew that they were afraid, and chose to cut out the bat star ’s minions first, that is, the Star Pirates Group outside.

So he had more time to plan, summon his subordinates, unite allies, and predict the time, place and arrival of the Flying Fire Meteor!

Finally he saw this galaxy, and in the constant inference and prediction, he finally found this starry sky node!

Of course, it is not easy to create an ambush, not to mention the Ohra Star Pirates.

Therefore, he sought the help of a mechanical tribe, and finally came to a conclusion that each node requires at least 100,000 starships to ambush ~ ~ and the reinforcements should arrive within five seconds.

Then there is still a lot of energy to enrich the whole starry sky!

So, star nuclear bombs and millions of starships were ambushed here. At this moment, when this space crack appeared, they were ready to gather energy to attack.

They succeeded in gathering energy to play a virtual flying fire meteor, a star nuclear bomb and a space block prevent them from leaving this star field.

Under the intensive charge of artillery, the Flying Fire Meteor collapsed after only ten seconds, and they won this victory! !

Photographs were recorded, and cell verifications were confirmed, this is the Ohra Star Pirates, they are dead! Dead in the Batstar Solar System! ! !

Three hours later, a large number of reports appeared on the StarCraft website. It was reported that the Ohra Star Pirates Group was destroyed! !

"what's going on?"

"Dirty bullshit, Ohra Adventure Group will be defeated? Idiots say dreams?"

"No, I heard that the Bat-Stars have given them a head-to-head attack and come in a super-large ambush!"

"Ambush? I see, there are really pictures, and there are words and words."

"Wait, what ghost does this gene prove to be?"

"It seems, seems to be true ?!"

"Chiling people's cells, humans, special metal debris, special vaporized liquid, and Sirius cells, heaven, heaven, aren't they?"

"Fake, I do n’t believe it, I do n’t believe it !!!"

For a time, the interstellar black network was full of massive news. A large number of humans chose to deny that they did not believe that this powerful adventure group would end the interstellar journey in this way.

And other races are celebrating, mankind has entered a troubled autumn, just had a powerful force, and was suddenly destroyed ...

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