When Tang Xiao left Tang Jinshe's room, he was directly called to his study by Yu Lao.

"Grandpa, what can I do for you?" Tang Xiao asked with a smile.

Mr. Yu sat down on the sofa and looked at his grandson happily. Some of them didn't talk.

"It's about the company. I always wanted to give Jin Yan the management of the company, but the child said he was too busy. In fact, I know he doesn't want people to think he relies on his grandfather, but you can't refuse me."

Tang Xiao was embarrassed: "I don't want to refuse you, but I also have my own company to manage. Besides, my company is only listed, which needs me more. Jin Yan is afraid to be told that he depends on you, and I am afraid. "

Mr. Yu once again tried to send his company out and failed. The smile on his lips suddenly disappeared.

"I know you need to be strong, but you have the heart to watch me worry about the company at such an old age. Do you want to kill me?"

Although Tang Xiao just came back, he really felt close to his grandfather because of his blood relationship.

So as soon as Yu Lao said this, Tang Xiao was distressed and compromised.

"OK, Jin Yan and I take turns in management. Is that ok? You go to talk to Jin. If he agrees, I will. "

Yu Lao smiled with satisfaction: "you have agreed, Jin Yan will definitely agree. I'll tell him..."

"Don't tell him first. That kid didn't let Jin se suffer a lot before. He needs to teach him a lesson. Otherwise, he thinks our Tang family are easy to bully."

Tang Xiao said this with a faint smile.

When he was at school, he and Fu Jinyan had always been in love and killed each other, but they didn't come up with a clear distinction at last.

Later, because of something, he left.

Now that he is back, he becomes Fu Jinyan's eldest brother again. Naturally, he needs to make a good embarrassment of that boy.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Yu didn't understand.

Tang Xiao glanced at the door of the study, his voice slightly lowered, and told Yu his plan.

After listening to the old man, he nodded even though he was a little distressed.

"Yes, as long as you promise to take over the company, you can go. But don't go too far."

Tang Xiao chuckled and said, "don't worry. I grew up with him. Of course, I won't die. I just make him worried, so he will treasure Jin se even more in the future."

Mr. Yu nodded approvingly.

"You came back ahead of time just to get ahead of Jinshe?"

Smell speech, Tang Xiaoshen color Dun, then slowly down the eyes, cover the real mood at the bottom of the eyes.

"After the foreign affairs have been handled in advance, I will come back. The branch here will officially start in a few days, so I have plenty of time in these days."

Yu took a picture of his grandson: "come on, I want to see Jin Yan's helpless appearance, ha ha."

"I won't let you down," said Mr. Yu

"Wuwu Wuwu...... "

Tang Xiao's mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that the smile on his lips disappeared little by little. He said to Mr. Yu and went out to answer the phone.

"President, there's still no news. Isn't miss Yi in K city at all?"

Tang Xiao Mo frowned and his voice was deep: "I want you to find someone, you ask me?"

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