Tang Xiaoxiao gives Tang Jinse a look of hatred that iron can not be made into steel. His breath is heavy, and his eyes fall on Fu Jinyan, who is still at ease.

This kid is so calm that he doesn't pay attention to his uncle at all.

Tang Xiao bit his teeth: "what about you? Do you really love my sister? "

Fu Jinyan waited for this question, and said without hesitation, "of course, I love her till I die."

Tang Jinshe was deeply moved, but Tang Xiao had goose bumps all over his body.

When did the boy become so shameless?

Tang Xiao sneered: "is that right? Do you love jinser or our company? "

Hearing this, although the look on Fu Jin's handsome face has not changed at all, there is something wrong in his heart.


Tang Xiao's voice sounded again, and then his real trump card.

"In your name, Fu Jinyan, how do you explain that company that bought Tang family?"

Tang Xiao means to tell Tang Jinshe that all Fu Jin Yan has done is to take Tang as his own Although he was also very clear, Fu Jinyan did this to protect the Tang family.

But if he doesn't say that, how can he embarrass Fu Jinyan and block him?

Tang Jinshe was also surprised to hear that. He looked at Fu Jin Yan with a kind of shocked eyes.

Did Tang family be bought by Fu Jinyan?

Fu Jinyan finally knows what Tang Xiao's plan is.

He wanted to use the acquisition of Tang family to stir up feelings between him and Tang Jinshe.

But Tang Xiao is wrong. The reason why he bought Tang family is for Tang Jinshe.

Fu Jin Yan didn't show any uneasiness or flurry at all. He sat there steadily, and his thin lips gently raised a light arc.


Tang Xiao directly interrupts Fu Jin's words that have not been said: "you are close to Jin se, and you want to get Tang family by using Jin se, right?"

Fu Jinyan suddenly thinks that Tang Xiao is very interesting. Is that a little too obvious?

If you want to add sin, there is no need to worry.

Fu Jin said with a light smile, "I haven't told Jin se about the acquisition of Tang family..."

"Brother Jin Yan, did you really buy Tang clan?" Don jinser is still a little bit unbelievable.

Tang Xiao saw Tang Jinshe's shock from the bottom of his eyes, and finally he was more comfortable.

Next, she should be very disappointed with Fu Jinyan.

But I didn't expect

Tang Jinshe was so moved that he held Fu Jinyan's palm in his small hand and was about to cry: "why don't you tell me? How many things have you done for me behind my back? Brother Jin Yan, you...... "

Fu Jin Yan took Tang Jinshe's hand and smiled softly: "I am willing to do anything for you."

Tang Jinshe "Wuwu" came out.

Tang Xiao: "..."

He looked at his silly sister and got up to go out.

At the moment when the bedroom door was closed, the exaggerated expression on Tang Jinshe's small face immediately took it back. He looked at Fu Jinyan helplessly and sighed.

"My brother must think I'm very frustrated."

Fu Jinyan patted Tang Jinshe on the back: "you are right. You must stand on my side at this time."

"I'm on your side. What's the matter with my brother?" Don Jinshe was very puzzled.

"I'll go out for a while." Fu Jin Yan kisses Tang Jinshe's lips lightly, hooks his lips, and then gets up to go out.

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