When Yining opened his eyes again, it was more than 8 o'clock the next night.

Outside, the dark night is like ink.

What wake up with Yining's consciousness is the intense pain all over her body. She can't breathe because of the pain of her belt bone if she moves a little.

It is this painful moment that infuses yesterday's plunder of Tang Xiao into her memory.

Yining grabs the bed sheet under the tight body and stares at the ceiling coldly and hatefully, only to find

This is not her apartment.

Realizing something, Yining suddenly sat up and looked at the man sitting on the sofa, regardless of the pain all over her.

He is wearing a white shirt, black suit pants, handsome appearance, harmless people and animals

But Yining knew that it was just a fake. Tang Xiao was the worst and worst man in the world.

When Yining woke up, Tang Xiao just put down the folder in his hand, and his eyes came down. Then he slowly stood up and walked towards the bed.

"Wake up, what would you like to eat?"

"Is this your home?"

As soon as Yining opened his mouth, he found that his voice was hoarse to the extreme.

Tang Xiao seemed very happy to hear her hoarse voice and said happily, "it's our home."

Yining takes a hostile look at Tang Xiao, takes back his sight, opens the quilt and gets out of bed.

The burning pain below made her steps difficult, but she still insisted on walking towards the door.

Tang Xiao, with his hands around his chest, followed Yining's back and sneered.

"If you want to leave here, advise you or stop delusion and gain wisdom after a fall, how can I give you a second chance to leave me?"

Yining's footsteps stopped, turned around and glared at him fiercely: "do you still want to imprison me? Don't you think you're pathetic, Tang Xiao? What's the use of you keeping me here? That not only makes me hate you, but also makes me hate you. "

Yining's words are like sharp knives. They go on and on in Tang Xiao's heart. They are cut to pieces until they are bloody

This woman is really cruel.

But Tang Xiao smiled, almost ferocious and fierce: "it doesn't matter, I don't care."

"You make me sick." Yining red eyes, gnashing teeth.

Tang Xiao seems to be stimulated by Yining's words. He suddenly moves forward and grabs Yining's delicate wrist. With a little more force, he can crush Yining's wrist.

"Disgusting? Don't forget that you provoked me first. Even if you are disgusted, you should suffer! From today on, your activity scope can only be in this bedroom. Put away your careful thoughts, or I will make you unable to get out of bed. "

Yining is no stranger to such a Tang owl, but like every time, he would like to kill him!

Tang Xiao sneered: "I know you want me to die. If you have a knife, you can help yourself."

"Animals." Yining squeezed the two words out of his teeth.

Tang Xiao looked at the little face full of hatred, raised his hand slowly, and gently stroked the tender but pale cheek. For a while, it aroused Yining's goose bumps.

"Go away!" Yining closed his eyes and roared out. He raised his hand and opened Tang Xiao's hand.

She hated the touch of this man, even if she just looked at him, it was a kind of torture for her.

Tang Xiao's eyebrows were tight and his beautiful eyebrows were cold, and his treacherous face was full of violence.

"So reluctant to let me touch you? Who do you like to touch you? The man last night? "

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