"You have to understand that even if you don't get a billion yuan of financing now and don't get a sense of existence in the business world again, it doesn't mean that Mr. Fu will look at you again, and treat you as treasure as before! After all, it's hard to get back together with broken mirror. You have to be paranoid. It's only you who lose face and become a joke among the people! "

Zhou Qian raised her chin in a commanding manner.


Tang Jinshe raised her eyes and glanced sideways at Zhou Qian beside her.

"Don't worry, I don't have any delusions in my mind..."

Tang Jinshe said as he gently shook the wine in his glass. On the cold little face, he gradually climbed up with a smile: "but I'm afraid that some people, who are duplicitous, are teaching others a lesson. In fact, in my heart, there is an infatuation that is destined to be the laughingstock of others!"

How can Tang Jinshe not understand Zhou Qian's Thoughts on Fu Jinyan.

One loves another in his heart, which can be seen clearly from his eyes, while Zhou Qian never knows how to hide his emotions, so those little abacus in her heart naturally fall into people's eyes


In this world, there are many beggars but no one. If there are more, she is not only Tang Jinshe?

Tang Jinshe thought so, then turned around and planned to stay away from the right and wrong place

But apparently, someone didn't want her to be happy.

"Don jinsher, stop for me!"

Zhou Qian, who was stabbed to the pain in her heart, roared loudly, which stopped Tang Jinshe's step, but also attracted the attention of others in the meeting.

This Yang Zhonglei, it's not good to bring anyone here. He just brought Zhou Qian, an impulsive and brainless man, to such an important occasion

Isn't pingbai causing trouble for both companies?

Tang Jinshe thought bitterly in her heart, but she had to turn around. After all, she couldn't leave any unnecessary handle in front of the public.

But she just turned around, but just with a pair of ink pupil four eyes.

Men's eyes, as always, have no temperature, as if they are looking at an unimportant person, without a trace of emotion.

Tang Jinshe is slightly stunned. Then he looks around and misses the sight.

She didn't forget her present identity.

Outside the hotel, her identity is the general manager of Tang Group, rather than a blind lover, so she can't retreat

Tang Jinshe reminds herself so in her heart, but her nervous tension obviously betrays her.

Where Fu Jinyan is, it's really hard for her to relax completely!

About their past and present entanglement, just like a fine big net, wrapped her in it, so that she could not break away.

"She is Tang Zhengqin's daughter. I heard that Tang clan is going bankrupt, but I don't know where to get a billion yuan of financing. I heard that this woman brought it up by herself, and I don't know what method to use."

"It seems that this woman is really powerful. The financing of one billion yuan has not been disclosed before."

"Yes, it's said that Mr. Fu and Tang Jinshe grew up together. Although they may be a little estranged in the past two years, Mr. Fu can't help them. Do you think so?"

"It's impossible. Who knows that three years ago, on the eve of Tang's engagement with Fu's, Tang Jinshe and Gu's kid went abroad..."

"Shh Don't be listened to by Mr. Fu. "

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