Yining looked over again, and saw that the housekeeper and servant were just like wood, as if they could not hear anything, could not see anything, and were still doing what they should do.

But Yining couldn't make them into real wood. She bit her lower lip. After a long time, she summoned up her courage to come forward, bent over and held Tang Xiao's big hand. She said softly, "let's go back to the room."

Tang Xiao looked at Yining in disgust. She wanted to do the same thing again, didn't she?

Yining, you're a fool when I'm Tang Xiao. I've been cheated by you again and again. Will you still be cheated all the time?

The anger in Tang Xiao's heart was burning. He stood up abruptly and dragged Yining to stride upstairs. Yining had to trot to keep up with the pace, which was very embarrassing.

Back to the room, can not help but say, Tang Xiao will be Yining left on the bed.

Yining's obedience aroused the root of his heart. He just wanted to tear the mask of Yining and let her see how disgusting her false obedience was.

But when Yining glared at him, Tang Xiao couldn't stand her looking at himself like that.

He knew that he was crazy. Yining was right. He was really crazy.

A toss, 10:30 past Yining to eat.

At the moment, Yining covered himself with a set of pajamas and sat next to Tang Xiao.

She is quiet like a petal, light wind can take away, rain can also take away.

But she couldn't go anywhere.

However, Tang Xiao ate in an elegant manner, calm and noble.

He looked at Yining, who was eating quietly, and put a shrimp on the plate in front of her. His voice was low and soft: "eat more, you've lost a lot of weight recently."

Yining picked up the shrimp and put it into the import, but she didn't know what she was eating.

She was afraid. She was afraid that Tang Xiao would change his mind and lock her up again. She would not go anywhere.

This man's character is changeable and treacherous. She can't guess. She thinks she has done well, but she easily angers him.

But what Yining didn't expect was that the next morning at the dinner table, she had no appetite. When she took a few bites and put down her chopsticks, Tang Xiao's low voice rang.

"Eat more. You are too thin now. You are not easy to conceive."

Yining frowned slightly and looked up at Tang Xiao. He was rebellious because of Tang Xiao's words.

Just as she was about to turn her face, she heard Tang Xiao say, "I'll go to see you and Jin se for lunch. If you don't eat well, I'll lock you up for life."

Yining paused for a moment, and her eyes brightened.

He kept himself at work?

One night and one morning heavy mood suddenly brightened, Yining nodded and picked up chopsticks again.


She was really happy, but after that, she couldn't help but feel sad for herself.

It turns out that her happiness is so simple now, as long as she can go out.

Yining, have you compromised and accepted your life?


Tang Xiao just caught Yining's smile on his lips. He was in a trance.

This is her smile from the bottom of her heart.

She was so happy to leave him?

Tang Xiao lowered his eyes and took a deep breath to resist the impulse to tie Yining up.

After breakfast, Yining drove to work.

She was a little late today, and as a result, someone else was late.


As soon as Yining got out of the car, he heard someone calling for him.

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