After taking a shower, Tang Xiao dried the water on Yining again and put Yining on the bed.

"You have a good rest."

If you can, Tang Xiao will go out.

Yining got out of bed immediately after waiting for a while, turned out the contraceptive, and swallowed a piece of it.

In those seven days and nights, Tang Xiao tortured her. She didn't have the chance to take the contraceptive pill. Now, it seems that there is no movement.

She also tasted the pain, and never dared to provoke the beast again.

It wasn't until the evening that Tang Xiao came back. He walked to the bedside and said softly, "put on your clothes, your food should grow up. I'll take you to have a look."

His voice was so gentle, but the tone of command disgusted Yining.

Just at the thought that Tang Xiao had carried her to the balcony before, he was not afraid to be seen and heard, and Yining's rebellious heart was forced back.

She got out of bed and went directly to the cloakroom. After changing clothes, she came out again. Tang Xiao immediately took her hand and took her to the shed outside.

She hasn't come to see her vegetable shed for nearly half a month, which will make those vegetables grow more watery. She should be able to eat them in a few days.

Tang Xiao should have told people to look after him, so they are so good-looking.

Yining looked at these lush vegetables, so many days, for the first time felt the vitality.

But will she have another chance?

Tang Xiao said that he went to hell with her. Will she stay in this dark hell for the rest of her life?

When Yining stared at the vegetables, her waist tightened suddenly. She was held by Tang Xiao from behind, and her body was a little stiff instinctively.

Tang Xiao's chin rested on her shoulder, and now they were as close as lovers.

"Don't you mean to build more vegetable sheds like this? I've got it built. You can plant whatever you want. "

When Tang Xiao spoke, he was deliberately hot to Yining's ears. Yining's body could not help shivering. She wanted to struggle but she dared not, so she nodded obediently.

Tang Xiao's big palm stroked Yining's little belly in front of her, and then said, "Yining, be obedient, will you?"

This is another sentence.

Yining frowned, and there was disgust in her heart. Every time she heard Tang Xiao's words, she wanted to vomit.

"Why don't you talk?" Tang Xiao's big hand over her little belly increased a little.

Yining felt the threat of Tang Xiao, immediately put away his thoughts and nodded.

But Tang Xiao sneered: "I don't believe you, you little liar, are you cheating me again. Yining, do you think you can still gain my trust, and then find a chance to sneak out again? You think I'm a fool, don't you? "

Tang Xiao's every words are soft, light as a cold wind, blowing Yining's goose bumps.

She took a deep breath in silence, pressed down her disgust and hatred, and slowly turned to look directly at Tang Xiao: "you make me behave, I promise you, now you don't believe me, what do you want me to do?"

The smile on Tang Xiao's lips deepened slightly. It seemed that Yining felt happy because he said so many things at once.

"What don't you have to do? As long as you stay by my side, whether you cheat me or want to paralyze me, in a word, you are better, don't let yourself suffer any more. "

Yining ran so many times without success, but was tortured to death by him, she would not be so stupid.

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