The seventh morning, after they left the manor, they went directly to Tang Xiao's company.

Yining knows that Tang Xiao is not at ease with her. Maybe Tang Xiao thinks she is a fool. He thinks that after suffering so much, she will run away without thinking.

She's going to run, but when she's strong enough.

When he arrived at the office, Tang Xiao was immediately busy. His assistant came in and out and took so many documents to sign for Tang Xiao.

Yining was sitting around doing nothing, so that every time his assistant came in, Yu Guang had to look at her.

Although Yining also knows that Tang Xiao's assistant didn't mean it, but that kind of eyes still hurt people, as if she was a pet of Tang Xiao, and everyone who came in had to look at it.

She has to find something to do.

Just thinking about it, Tang Xiao's assistant came in again and brought him a cup of coffee.

Tang Xiao took a sip of coffee, and then Yining came. He looked sideways and asked, "what else would you like to eat? Or what do you need? "

Yining glanced at the tea table in front of her eyes. She didn't move a mouthful of all kinds of fruit and sweets. Tang Xiao also glanced at it, and immediately felt that he had asked a nonsense.

Don't wait for Yining to answer, Tang Xiao takes back his sight, but doesn't expect

"I want paper and pen." Yining's voice sounded.

Hearing this, Tang Xiao turned his head again and heard Yining say, "I want to draw."

Tang Xiao coagulated Yining for a while, then said to the assistant, "prepare paper and pen."

The assistant nodded and went out. Soon he brought in the pen and paper and gave it to Yining.

"Thank you." Yining took the pen and paper and said from the bottom of his heart.

The assistant nodded again and went out.

Tang Xiao took a panoramic view of the happiness between Yining's looks, then hooked his lips: "draw first. I'll have the tables and chairs sent in at noon."

Yining took a look at Tang Xiao, didn't say anything, and began to draw on the tea table.

The sound of "Shasha" was heard immediately. For Tang Xiao, the sound was the most beautiful note. He watched Yining silently for a while, and then continued to work.

At 10:15 in the morning, Su Weijun came in.

"President, there will be a meeting in five minutes."

Yining hears Su Weijun's voice, the tip of his pen is sluggish, he raises his head slightly, and the rest of the light falls on Su Weijun, and the problem starts again.

How can she handle Tang Xiao?

"Well." In response, Tang Xiao stood up and walked out with Su Weijun.

When he came to the door, Su Weijun twisted his feet carelessly. Instead of supporting Su Weijun, Tang Xiao laughed and said, "you are not suitable for high heels."

Su Weijun stood up straight and bit her teeth. Originally, she was in the company. She didn't want to talk back to Tang Xiao, but when she looked up, she saw Tang Xiao's naked ridicule. She couldn't help it: "high heels are designed for women. Why am I not suitable?"

"You know it's for women." Tang Xiao chuckled and walked out.

Su Weijun stood in the same place and was so angry that he wanted to catch up with Tang Xiao and throw him over his shoulder.

He never sees her as a woman.

Taking a deep breath, Su Weijun followed and closed the office door.

Yining then raised his head and saw the door.

It can be seen that the relationship between Tang Xiao and Su Weijun is really good. Maybe Su Weijun will succeed soon.

Thinking of these, Yining lowered his head and continued to draw, only to find that the lines under his pen seemed to be disordered.

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