Yining took a breath, and a heart beat wildly in a moment, as if to burst out of the heart.

Damn it, Tang Xiao went through her bag!

But this meeting, Yining dare not to blame Tang Xiao. She stood still and looked at Tang Xiao. Every nerve was tense.

Tang Xiao found out that she secretly took the contraceptive pill. He would never let her go and might force her to have a baby.

Yining fell into a state of extreme fear.

At this time, the deep and extreme voice of the Tang owl began to ring, as if it had come from the ground: "Jinse, Jin Yan, you two should go back first."

Tang Jinshe finally found something, ran to Yining's side, protected Yining to his back, was about to open his mouth, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by the contraceptive bottle, and his face suddenly stopped.

The medicine was found by Tang Xiao!

No wonder

Tang Jinshe stops in front of Yining, swallows his mouth and decides to take the initiative: "brother, how can you turn over Yining's things at will?"

When Tang Xiao had a meal, Sen Leng's eyes fell on Tang Jinshe's face.

After a while, he took a bottle of medicine and fiddled with it. Looking at Tang Jinshe, his eyes were extremely dangerous: "do you know what kind of medicine it is?"

Tang Jinshe's heart was in a state of turmoil, but he was not afraid at all because of his sister. Instead, he stood up and said, "yes, I took the medicine from doctor Lu. Yining said she didn't want to have children, so I let her eat it..."

"Don Jinse!" Tang Xiao suddenly growled out in a low voice, stood up abruptly and threw a bottle of medicine to the ground.

Suddenly, the bottle cap opened and the white tablets in it were all spilled on the ground.

Tang Jinshe was so excited that the blood color on his face faded in a flash, white as snow.

For the first time, she was afraid of Tang Xiaofa's fire.

Yining is also scared, and quickly pulls Tang Jinshe to his back. His voice is firm: "it's nothing to do with Jinshe. I beg her."

Tang Xiao sneered, and his eyes were full of Satire: "you two think of each other so much, huh? Don jinsher, I want you to meet Yining, not to make you collude with her! "

In the last sentence, Tang Xiao roared out.

Tang Jinshe knew that Tang Xiao was angry with himself and was very angry.

She rushed out and came to Tang Xiao's side. She raised her hand and held Tang Xiao's arm tightly. Her voice was a little flustered: "brother, I do this for you. Believe me, I won't harm you."

"It won't hurt me? Don Kinsey, you kill my children with her. You tell me it's for my good? I don't know... "

"Tang Xiao!" Fu Jin Yan roared and took Tang Jin se into his arms.

Originally, he didn't want to ask about their brother and sister. Besides, he knew that Tang Xiao would not do anything to his sister.

But he can't see Tang Jinshe's grievance, or he can't help it.

"I also have a share in this matter. I took the medicine from Lu Sheng."

Tang Xiao was really shocked. He looked at Fu Jin Yan strangely. At last, his eyes fell on Yining again. He said sarcastically, "you are so clever that you can bribe people."

Yining also went over and forced himself to maintain the surface calm, red lips slightly opened, voice as usual: "you also said that I bought them, so it's all my fault, you can do anything to me, but Jin Se and Fu Jin Yan, they just look at me poor..."

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