"I have no right? Yining, why are you so naive? I'll let you know today if I have the right to have a baby. "

With a gnash of teeth, Tang Xiao grasped Yining's delicate wrist and led her directly into the elevator.

Without waiting for the door to close, he pressed Yining heavily on the wall of the elevator and kissed him fiercely.

Yining struggled hard, and the fear of seven days and nights came again, which made her body tremble fiercely.

She will never suffer that inhuman pain again.

But where is her opponent?

He was like a wild beast out of control, and Yining was torn apart by him again.

A moment before falling into the darkness, Yining clearly felt his despair.

Maybe it's better to die like this.

Tang Xiao, all you have brought me is endless pain. You see, your revenge has been successful.

Yining's eyelids grew darker and darker, and she finally fainted.

A drop of crystal tears rolled down the corner of the eye.


Yining didn't know how long he slept, whether he was dead or alive

She felt that she was too heavy to move.

It was quiet and silent all around, which made Yining think that she should be dead.

Her lashes trembled twice, and Yining finally opened her eyes.

The light stabbed, she narrowed her eyes, adapted to it for a long time, and then opened them completely.

The blank brain also gradually regained consciousness. Yining then saw that this is not hell at all, but a place even more terrible than hell, the bedroom of Tang Xiao.

She did not die, nor was she free.

Yining closed her eyes again.

But the devil's voice sounded in his ear: "wake up? Wake up and don't play dead there. "

Yining turned a deaf ear to Tang Xiao's words.

Tang Xiao Mo frowned, abruptly lifted the quilt, grabbed Yining's wrist and pulled her up.

His strength is so great that she is as light as catkins in his hands.

Tang Xiao directly picked her up and strode into the bathroom. Two people stood under the shower. He opened the water, and the water column suddenly fell down, which made Yining unable to open his eyes.

The cool water became warm little by little. Yining let out a long breath and suddenly smiled.

Her laugh was so dry that it was terrible.

"Tang Xiao, why don't you just kill me when you hate me so much?"

Angered by Yining's words, Tang Xiao suddenly pushed Yining to the wall.

The clothes on both of them are wet. When they are tightly pressed together, the sticky feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

Yining closed his eyes, his face was painful, and the voice of Tang Xiao's gnashing teeth sounded on his head: "I hate you, Yining, I hate you, and I wish I could kill you! You're so smart. You know that. But do you know why I kept your life? Well? "

Yining slowly opened her eyes, raised her head slowly, and met the fierce vision of Tang Xiao. The bottom of her eyes was as dark as a dry well, and nothing could be seen.

"Tang Xiao, please kill me..."

"Shut up!" Tang Xiao growled and went mad. He lowered his head abruptly and tore at Yining's lips.

Soon, the two men's mouth filled with a bloody.

Tang Xiao's chest heaved violently. He was panting. There was a hole in his heart. It was empty.

"I don't want you to die. I want you to live. I want you to live by my side. In this life, Yining, you can only stay by my side."

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