Tang Xiao was sitting on the chair beside the bed. When he saw that Yining woke up, he looked bright and hurried forward, but he finally stopped the impulse.

He also knows that Yining is in a bad condition now, and it will definitely aggravate to see him Lu Sheng's so-called mental and spiritual injuries.

After watching Yining silently for a while, Tang Xiao immediately got up to find Lu Sheng.

"She's awake. Should I have something to eat now?"

"Of course, it's better to have something to eat. You should prepare first to see if she can eat." Lu Sheng said and went to the ward.

Tang Xiao called a bodyguard and asked him to go out and buy some porridge. Then he went in.

Lu Sheng came to the bedside a few steps, looked at Yining's state, shook his head, and then said, "Miss Yi, do you recognize me?"

Yining's eyes seem to be out of focus. He doesn't know where to look. He doesn't respond to Lu Sheng's words at all.

Lu Sheng checked Yining in silence, and then came to Tang Xiao, who was standing at the end of the bed, and said in a deep voice: "her fever has basically stabilized, and it should not burn again, and that is..."

Lu Sheng hesitated for a moment, and then went straight to the point: "Tang Xiao, if you want her to live, you can't touch her again in three months. She's very weak now No woman can resist your tossing and turning. "

Tang Xiao nodded softly.

Lu Sheng then continued: "the rest is what I said. Psychologically and spiritually, she is suffering psychologically and spiritually. Although I am not a psychiatrist, I can also tell you responsibly that she has the tendency of depression now."

Tang Xiao's body swayed, but he stood still for a moment and asked helplessly, "so, do I need a psychiatrist for her?"

Lu Sheng opened his mouth, and finally swallowed what he had been persuading. He said, "the psychiatrist doesn't need it at present, but I think it's better for him."

With that, Lu Sheng looked at Tang Xiao again and left over him.

But Lu Sheng didn't leave the hospital either. He waited outside in the reception hall.

A mobile phone vibrates at this time.

He took out his cell phone, saw that it was Fu Jinyan's call, and connected it directly.

At the other end of the phone, Tang jinsher's voice came: "Dr. Lu, how is Yining now?"

"I'm awake." Lu Sheng answers.

Tang Jinshe seemed to be relieved and asked again, "what about my brother?"

Lu Sheng looked at the door of the eye ward and said helplessly, "your brother is still like that. I can't persuade him."

Tang Jinshe frowned and complained: "what's the matter with him? Do you really watch Yining die before he wakes up? "

Lu Sheng didn't speak.

Tang Jin se collected his excited mood and calmed down his voice: "excuse me, Dr. Lu, isn't Yining in any way?"

Lu Sheng said, "it's OK for you."

Tang Jinshe said, "what do you mean by that?"

"That is to say, Yining's mental condition is very bad now, with the symptoms of depression, I'm afraid that if it goes on like this, it will..."

Lu Sheng didn't say what he said later, but Tang Jinshe understood.

She really hates Tang Xiao.

How could he be like this?

Tang Jinshe finally believed Yining's words. Tang Xiao didn't love Yining at all. His possessiveness was terrible.

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