At the moment, Tang Xiao is the only one left in the ward. He has been sitting beside the bed. His eyes are tightly covering Yining's face. His face is full of sadness and his throat is full of burning pain.

I don't know how long it took, the little nurse came in to change Yining's medicine. Tang Xiao looked at it reflexively, and the red circles of her eyes immediately caught the little nurse's eyes.

After changing the medicine, the nurse said, "don't cry, sir. She's OK. She should wake up in the morning."

Tang Xiao didn't speak, just nodded.

In fact, he didn't cry. He didn't flick his tears lightly because he didn't get to the sad place. He was not sad at all.

She's OK. What's so sad about him?

The little nurse looked at Tang Xiao again and went out.

Lu Sheng came up and asked, "is that gentleman asleep?"

The nurse shook her head and said, "no, I'm still sitting by the bed. I'm crying. I saw such a loving man for the first time."

Are you affectionate?

Lu Sheng sighs in silence.

It's hard for him to admit that Tang Xiao is affectionate, but what is not?

It's just that Tang Xiao is really terrible. He can't understand the paranoia of what he thinks, even if he dies.


At four o'clock the next morning, Yining opened her eyes.

Tang Xiao found it at the first time. He immediately got up and rushed out. Seeing Lu Sheng lying on the sofa, he fell asleep and went straight to wake him up.

"Dr Lu, Yining is awake."

Lu Sheng immediately sat up and then got up to enter the ward.

Tang Xiao ran out again and called in other doctors.

After a check, everyone was sure that Yining was OK.

Yining watched everyone busy in front of her eyes and saw that she woke up with a sigh of relief. She felt very funny.

Are they worried about her?


They are all accomplices of Tang Xiaos.

Yining looked at Lu Sheng with hate and asked in a cold voice, "why do you want to help him? Why don't you let me go? "

Lu Sheng looked into Yining's eyes and said solemnly, "I am a doctor. My awe of life makes me unable to die."

"Ah You? to fear? Lu Sheng, don't think that I don't know what kind of person you are. Jin se told me that you are a ghost and a miracle doctor with a strange personality. But in my opinion, you are a greedy quack! " Yining roared out, his voice was hoarse.

Lu Sheng knows that Yining said all this because she hates Tang Xiao, and he is not angry.

"Your voice is stimulated. You'd better not talk. If you feel uncomfortable, call me. I'll go out first." With that, Lu Sheng finally looks at Yining and leaves.

Yining's hateful eyes fell on Tang Xiao again. He asked in a hoarse voice, "why don't you let me go when I die? Tang Xiao, when are you going to torture me? I hate you so much, Tang Xiao. Why don't you just let me go? "

"Tang Xiao Tang Xiao I beg you, I beg you, you let me go, you think I'm dead, OK? Or, you can kill me by yourself. Will you let me go? "

Tang Xiao stood not far away, looking at Yining in excitement. She begged for herself and let her go. But Yining, I also want to beg you and let me go. Can you do it?

He walked slowly and sat down beside Yining's bed, looking at her with sad eyes: "when you revenge me, have you ever thought of letting me go? Leave my family alone? "

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