Jealous, angry!

Tang Xiao's eyes sparkled with excitement. Du Hengsheng was right. If she was deliberately stimulated, she would care about him if she was angry.

Before Tang Xiao could be happy, Yining raised his chin to him and motioned to him to look behind: "your beauties are coming, don't you want to give them an explanation?"

Looking back, Tang Xiao saw the women who had blocked him before, and his face was a little dark.

"Why should I explain to them, let's go home." Tang Xiao takes Yining and prepares to leave. She is not easy to be jealous of herself. Of course, she should strike while the iron is hot and go home to make a good relationship with her.

He was suffocating after a long time without touching her.

Yining just wanted to smoke, and a woman stood in front of them wrongly, blocking the way of Tang Xiao, and asked in a plaintive tone: "handsome boy, didn't you say you wanted to take us for a ride?"

"Yes, who is she!"

"She won't be your girlfriend. Why are you still watching what is in the bowl?"

"It's too much for you to play us!"

The more you talk about it, the more confident you are. It seems that if Tang Xiao doesn't give them an account today, they won't let him leave.

Yining hides behind Tang Xiao and chuckles.

Let's see how he finishes.

Tang Xiao's breath was cold all over his body. His eyes were as deep as a pool. They were cold and piercing: "get out of here!"

A drink, although the voice is not big, but momentum enough to make those women changed face, open mouth dare not say a word more.

Step back unconsciously.

How terrible the man looks when he gets angry!

There was a way out in front of her, and Tang Xiao led Yining to go there. After taking her to the car, she left the women who were looking forward to something heartbroken.

Yining sat on the copilot, head down quietly, laughing.

Tang Xiao took the time to look at her. He thought she was angry with him, and he was relieved.

The next second, however, Yining laughs. It's only a small one, but it's enough to make Tang Xiao's relaxed facial lines stiff again.

The car came to a sudden stop and stopped at the side of the road.

Yining almost didn't rush out, looking back at him puzzledly: "what's the matter?"

But Tang Xiao stared at her with cold black eyes.

What kind of a heartless woman is she? She is not angry at all, but she laughs after he has colluded with other women?

Tang Xiao grinned grimly and said with gnashing teeth: "sometimes I really want to take out your heart to see if it is true or not."

Yining is stunned, the smile on his face is put away, and the corners of his lips are slightly pursed with sarcasm: "Wow, I'm here, you can take it anytime you want."

There was a trace of sour feeling in my heart, but it was soon deliberately ignored by Yining.

Since she can't die or escape, he wants her heart, so he can come and get it at any time.

As soon as Tang Xiao choked on her, his heart was choking him.

If it was before, he had to let her know the price of saying these words to him!

But after her life and death, he was afraid. He was afraid that the woman around him would leave the world when he didn't know.

Her heart is made of cement. It's so cold that she doesn't care about other people's feelings.

Whether it's life or death, she has to torture him!

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