Yining was very tired and full today. He went back to the room and went to sleep soon after washing.

Half asleep and half awake, she suddenly felt someone close to her, a little conscious, thinking that the door of the room had been locked by her, even if the man could not help running over, he could not come in, so he closed his eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

In the dark room, Tang Xiao stands in the shadow and looks at Yining's eyelids. Finally, he loses to Duke Zhou. He can't help laughing.

Open the quilt, carefully on the bed, a little bit moved to her, hands from behind her waist, the body close to her, will firmly hold her in the arms, between the nose is full of her familiar smell.

Tang Xiao's eyes are deep, his heart is beating fast, he can't help lowering his head and kissing her neck gently

His action seemed to disturb the girl in his arms. Yining frowned and groaned uncomfortably. Tang Xiao quickly released her. He was afraid to wake her up. He could only press the strong fire in his heart and sighed in a low voice.

It was dark outside the window, and Yining was sleeping soundly in the room, but I didn't know how hard it had been to hold her in his arms all night.

When Yining woke up, he always felt something was wrong.

Turn around and look at a pair of hungry wolf like green eyes.

Yining yelled, got up quickly and backed away: "you How did you get in? "

She looked at the door. The door of the room was closed, so she could see nothing.

Tang Xiao also sat up with him, his body suddenly approached, and a dangerous breath came on his face, which made Yining back again and again.

But the arm was suddenly seized. Tang Xiao's eyes moved from her frightened face to her back: "if you go back, you will fall down."

Her body is on the edge of the bed, and she may fall off the bed at any time.

Yining frowned, and then the fright faded away. His face was calm and cold. "When did you come in?"

"Last night." Tang Xiao took her hand and asked her to sit in. He felt Yining's resistance. His eyes were dim and he smiled treacherously, "Why are you so afraid of me? What do I really want to do to you? Do you think you can still survive till now? "

Yining turned his mouth and pulled out his hand to get out of bed.

"Yining..." Tang Xiao reached for her waist and didn't let her go. Yining was shocked. He raised his eyes and stared at him. "What are you going to do?"

Her vigilant appearance made Tang Xiao get angry at his heart. Last night's bad mood spread to his heart like water.

The eyes were sharp and cold, and the Tang Xiao restrained the rage in his chest. He said calmly as possible, "let's go traveling."

Yining is stunned. What kind of tour does he want to make?

"I've thought about it. We can't go on like this all the time. We travel and get to know each other a lot. What do you think?" Tang Xiao stared at her and waited for her answer.

What does she think she can feel?

Does she have the right to contradict what he is going to do?

"I still have a job." Yining turned away from his eyes.

A man's eyes are too deep, like a black hole. Everything in the world, together with all of her, seems to be able to be sucked in.

"Leave your boss." Tang Xiao doesn't think this is a big problem.

Yining thought that he was unreasonable: "I just entered the company, you let me ask for leave?"

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