Yining doesn't like it, of course she doesn't.

She approached him just to get back at him. She never wanted to stay with him and be his woman. Besides, he said such words in front of everyone, with a sense of injustice.

Although she is staying with him now, there are not many honest words

"Forget it." Yining sighed. She didn't want to argue with him. She looked up at him again. "Tang Xiao, I asked you a few questions. Can you answer me truthfully?"

From her sigh of "forget it", Tang Xiao recognized her unwillingness in her heart, but on the face, she had no choice but to compromise

He frowned, his mood sank again, and his voice was cold: "what do you want to ask?"

Deep eyes slightly turn, she didn't speak, he seems to be able to predict what she is about to say.

But did not stop, silence waiting for her to ask.

"You asked Mr. Yang to keep me, didn't you?"

She looked into his eyes to see if he had lied.

But such trivial matters need to be lied by Tang Xiao?

Without blinking his eyes, Tang Xiao reached out and touched her face. He rubbed it carefully and said in a tone that was not beaten: "what is it, what is it?"

No matter what she does, she can't escape his palm.

He won't force her any more, but she won't want to leave him. She can only stay by his side and keep him all her life.

Yining was so angry that he didn't want to say anything.

"Why are you meddling in my affairs?"

She always thought that the job was found by her own ability. She even got such good treatment when she got into the company, thinking that she met a good company.

Who knows that she still can't escape his magic spell? He is like a ghost. If he pesters her, he won't let go and suffocate her, but he has no choice.

"I said, you are my woman, why can't I interfere?" Tang Xiao took it for granted that he didn't think there was anything wrong with his practice.

Since she wanted to be free, he gave her enough freedom. Without buying an animation company to play for her, it was his biggest concession.

"So my office is also arranged by President Yang?" Yining asked again. She didn't expect any other answers, but she wanted to confirm it.

Tang Xiao looked at her deeply and said, "yes."

His women, of course, can't be crowded together like those ordinary employees. He will give her freedom and make her more comfortable.

"Don't you like it very much?" Yesterday, he thought her office was too small. She kept saying that it was a little bit of her office.

Seeing the light that she really likes shining in her eyes, Tang Xiaocai didn't continue to pursue Mr. Yang.

Otherwise, how could he have wronged her like that?

Yining was blocked by his words, and he was stuck in his chest. He could not go up or down, let alone talk.

Yes, she likes her small office, but the main premise is that it depends on her own ability, not because of his big back door, big backer!

"Any other questions?" Looking at her angry expression, Tang Xiao raised a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

He liked the vivid appearance of her. He wished he could rub her into the blood bone and figure out where to go.

"No, I'm going to work." Yining didn't care about him and stood up to leave.

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