"Your brother must know the whole process better than us. He has no clue. We will only make things more complicated if we intervene."

"As for the relationship between them, let them solve it by themselves."

What Fu Jin said was not unreasonable, but Tang Jinshe couldn't help worrying about them.

In this way, Fu Jinyan's dissatisfaction was aroused again. The hand on her waist was tighter and tighter. She raised her chin and looked at herself: "Jin se, do you pay too much attention to your brother and Yining recently? Do you remember what you promised me? "

Tang Jinshe was stunned, then he smiled at him apologetically, and raised his hand to promise: "well, I promise you, I don't care about their affairs, as long as they are good, other matters will be solved by themselves."

Despite the guarantee, Fu Jin Yan didn't let her go. He took her back to the room upstairs and punished her severely before letting her go.


In Tang Xiao's car, Yining tried to stop talking several times.

"What do you want to say?" Tang Xiaoyu glanced at her in the rearview mirror and drove on.

Yining moved her lips, but she couldn't help saying, "in fact, you can take me back at the weekend."

Just a little time, you can't do anything outside.

Tang Xiao didn't want to take her out again at the weekend, but he couldn't wait. He wanted to repair the relationship with her earlier and let her let go of his bad feelings.

He doesn't force her, doesn't mean that he can always keep her away, he's not Liu Xiahui.

"You can go on weekends, too." Tang Xiaodao.

By implication, we must go today. As for the weekend, if she wants to go, they will make another plan.

When Yining stopped talking, she knew that her words didn't have much weight.

Tang Xiao didn't take her far, just by the sea in the suburb.

There have been servants on the beach for a long time, and the parasol chair doesn't fall.

When Yining finished eating with Tang Xiao, he took out her drawing board and began to depict the sea.

Tang Xiao felt bored. He wanted to take away her brush and let her stay with him. He could hardly see her so peaceful and beautiful. He could not bear to disturb her.

As the night fell, the sky was gradually replaced by black.

At last, Tang Xiao couldn't help but reach out and block on her drawing board, forbidding her to continue drawing.

"What to do?" Yining looked up, a trace of impatience between his eyebrows.

"What do you do? I asked you to come here to accompany me, not to draw pictures." Tang Xiao was so angry that if he hadn't taken her mood into account, he would have burst out.

Yining puckered her lips and felt that she was not doing very well, so she nodded and put down her brush and stood up to see him: "let's go."

Go? Where to go?

As soon as Tang Xiao was about to make a noise, Yining took the initiative to hold his hand and walked to the other side of the sea.

At the moment when the soft and cold fingers grasped him, it seemed that Tang Xiao's heart was also gently grasped by her hands, and his steps could not help following her.

Yining took him to the sea and released his hand. Facing the sea, she opened her hands and closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Tang Xiao looked at her with his head on his side. In the dim night, her face became more and more charming and gorgeous.

Soon a servant came and put the blanket on the beach behind them. Yining and Tang Xiao were sitting there looking at the sea.

The sea is very beautiful, but it will be boring after a long time. However, Tang Xiao doesn't make any noise all the time. He looks at her as if he can't see enough.

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