Yining has nothing to say. Just about to ask where she lives, Guo Ying's sight is suddenly attracted by Tang Xiao.

"Mr. Tang, see you again!" Guo Ying looks at Tang Xiao and smiles freely and sweetly.

Tang Xiao ignored her and turned to look elsewhere.

Guo Ying put out her tongue awkwardly and asked Yining in a low voice, "Why are you still with him? Don't you say you've gone to a place where he can't find you? Why is it so fast... "

"Gone!" Before Guo Ying finished, Tang Xiao interrupted her.

When Guo Ying looked up to Tang Xiao again, she was almost frightened by the cold eyes he swept over. Her pupils shrank and she dared not say another word.

"Don't you speak well, Tang Xiao?" Yining frowned, slightly dissatisfied with Tang Xiao's attitude, and then appeased Guo Ying, "it's OK, that's what others are like, you don't know."

Guo Ying nodded and followed them with her luggage.

Seeing that Tang Xiao didn't mean to help, Yining took the initiative to help Guo Yingla: "I'll help you. You should be tired after flying so long."

"Better Yining!" Guo Ying didn't refuse, but she was condensed by Tang Xiao.

Guo Ying timidly went to Yining's side to hide and said in a low voice, "otherwise, I'll pull it myself."

"I will." Yining didn't let her do it, and then gave Tang Xiao a look.

This man, even if he doesn't help, doesn't allow her to help, it's too overbearing!

Tang Xiao frowned and didn't want to touch other people's things, but he couldn't turn a blind eye to his woman pulling luggage for others.

Turn around and grab Guo Ying's suitcase from Yining.

Yining hooks his lips, thinking that he wants to help, but sees Tang Xiao deliver the suitcase to Guo Ying's hand again: "pull yourself!"

Guo Ying was stunned for a moment. She put out her hand with a red face. When she was about to meet Tang Xiao's hand, Tang Xiao immediately released the trunk handle and took a step back.

Yining: "..."

Does Guo Ying have a virus? Why does he dislike Guo Ying so much?

"Tang Xiao!" Yining can't help shouting. Can't you see that Guo Ying is about to cry?

Tang Xiao doesn't care whether others cry or not. He only cares whether Yining is tired or not.

"Not yet?" Tang Xiao took Yining's hand, but he said something to Guo Ying. Some of them were ferocious and badly needed beating.

Yining looks at Guo Ying. Before he can say anything, he is taken away by Tang Xiao.

Guo Yingzhang opened his mouth and saw the situation. He could only complain in his heart and pull the suitcase behind him.

The eyes looked at the back of the man who had not seen for a long time, but was still tall and handsome. The unwilling and jealous in her heart made her face distorted again.

Yining has killed his children. Why can he forgive her?

Shouldn't he torture her to death, or cut her off forever?

After getting on the car, Tang Xiao asked Guo Ying impatiently, "where do you live?"

He is easy to find his way.

Guo Ying looks very embarrassed with her head down and her face wrinkled.

"What's the matter? Didn't you book the hotel in advance? " Yining asked when he saw the situation.

Guo Ying shook her head and raised Chu Chu's poor eyes to look at Yining: "Yining, I am penniless now, and I don't even have a passport. I don't know where to go. Can you let me stay with you for a few days first? When I get my passport back... "

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