With a sigh, she looked at him carefully: "don't worry, I won't run away. If I don't come down in ten minutes, you will go up to find me. Is that the head office?"

Tang Xiao twisted her eyebrows. What did she say.

Yes, he did worry that she would run away, but he would accompany her to go up, not just afraid of her running away, but afraid of her fear, afraid that she accidentally fell down and hurt.

This building is very old at first sight. He doesn't know if it is full of sundries, but it's always right to be careful.

Even if he keeps up with them, he can wait for them at the door.

But when she said this, she immediately angered him, and her tone became stronger and harder: "if you say you can escape, then I will go up with you. If you play any tricks for me, don't I have to work hard again?"

He smiled coldly, and the cold eyes gave off a cold feeling, which made Yining's hands and feet cold.

She bit her lips, and after a few seconds of silence, nodded her head, turned and went upstairs. Tang Xiao followed her behind, illuminating the road under her feet to prevent her from falling accidentally.

Yining comes to the room where Guo Ying lives. She knocks at the door. It's quiet in the room. There's no response.

Yining frowned and knocked again. At last, there was a sound of footsteps.

Then the door was opened, and before Yining could shout out the word "Guo Ying", Guo Ying suddenly jumped over.

But instead of rushing to her, he jumped into the arms of Tang Xiao, hugged him tightly, and cried: "Yining, you finally came, scared me to death!"

Yining, leaning sideways, quietly looks at Guo Ying, who is tightly clasped with Tang Xiao. She is a little stunned.

Tang Xiao didn't expect that Guo Ying would rush at him. Her hands held him tightly. Tang Xiao couldn't push her away for a while.

"Go away!" Tang Xiao can't bear it. He doesn't care who she is. He pushes Guo Ying out.

Guo Ying seemed to have no idea what had happened. Her face was full of surprises. Then she stepped back and fell to the ground.

The pain made her grin and look at a man and a woman standing at the door.

"Hair What happened? " She looked at Tang Xiao in bewilderment, and then turned to Yining, as if she had lost her memory.

Yining finally understood why Tang Xiao was so exclusive to Guo Ying. It turned out That's right.

Yining quietly pulls down a layer of protection in her heart to isolate her from Guo Ying's intimacy. Before she can speak, Tang Xiao next to her makes a disgusting sneer: "nothing happened. It's just something more disgusting than a mouse. Suddenly, she ran and hit me."

Saying that, he also reached out and patted the ash that did not exist on his body. It seemed that he wanted to dispel the smell left on his body.

Yining pressed her lips tightly and didn't speak, but Guo Ying's face suddenly turned red to the extreme, like a cooked shrimp, embarrassed and embarrassed.

She got up from the ground, dodged her eyes and dared not look at Tang Xiao. She bowed her head and apologized: "I'm sorry, it was too dark just now, I was scared again, so I didn't notice who ran to..."

Guo Ying took Yining's hand, red eyes, cried and begged, "Yining, take me away from here. It's terrible here. There are mice everywhere."

It's like this that the wrong person is carried away

Yining is not feeling well, but she looks up at Guo Ying and asks her, "why do you rent the house here?"

Isn't that the last place she likes this mess?

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