Guo Ying's face was completely white, and her thin body nearly fell back.

How can Tang Xiao tell her to leave? She didn't do anything wrong. She just wanted to talk to him and apologize.

Why is he so cruel to her?

Guo Ying thought, tears fell down.

Yining hurriedly walked up to hold her and said to ease the embarrassment: "OK, let's go, leave him alone."

Drag Guo Ying's body, this time she did not stop, embarrassed by Yining into the hotel.

Opened a room for her, Yining saw that she could not walk, so she had to take her upstairs, find her room, and swipe her card to get in.

"You have a good rest. You have to work tomorrow. Don't think too much. That's what Tang Xiao is like. Don't worry about him." Yining comforted.

"I'm back. If Tang Xiao doesn't see me go down later, he will rush up and kill me." Yining's words are not exaggerated. Tang Xiao thinks she is more important than anything else, for fear that she will not pay attention to escape any more.

When Yining saw her head down and didn't speak, she didn't say much more. As soon as she turned around and was about to leave, Guo Ying grabbed her hand: "Yining, would you stay with me? I'm really scared of someone. "

Since they refused to let her live in Tang Xiao's house, she had to leave Yining. She did not believe that she could not force Tang Xiao to stay.

Of course, Yining can't stay. Tang Xiao is waiting for her to go back.

"Guo Ying, I'm sorry..."

"Yining, are we still not good sisters? I just want you to stay here for one night, but I don't want to occupy you every day. Don't you care about our girlfriends for many years? "


"Then will you stay? If you don't want to explain to Mr. Tang, you will say that I let you stay. He won't blame you. Even if he does, he will blame me. He hates me so much, and I don't care how much he hates me. "

She said, look lonely down, eyes slightly ripples a trace of melancholy.

"No, Tang Xiao..."

The cell phone rang at this time, interrupting Yining's words.

Don 't guess. I know it was Tang Xiaoxiao who came to urge her.

"Why don't you come down?" Yining answered the phone. The voice on the other end of the phone was as expected. It was Tang Xiao.

"I will soon..."

Sitting at the end of the bed, Guo Ying suddenly reaches out and grabs the mobile phone that Yining pastes in her ear. She talks to Tang Xiao.

"Hello, Mr. Tang? I'm Guo... "

"Who are you? Let Yining answer the phone!"

Guo Ying's words suddenly stuck in her throat. She could not speak and could not swallow them. It was very painful.

Why did Tang Xiao treat her so badly? He knew that Yining was only around her and asked who she was.

"Mr. Tang, I just want to tell you that Yining is going to stay with me tonight. Our good friend hasn't seen you for a long time. You can't be so domineering. Don't you give her a night?"

Guo Ying's heart was dying. How did Tang Xiao become so bad and charming.

"Or, if you're worried about her, you can keep a room next door. Yining won't run." Guo Ying emphasized the word "run", which was undoubtedly to pour oil on Tang Xiao's head.

At the beginning, Yining left under the cover of Guo Ying. Now she has the face to tell him that Yining won't run?

"I'll say it for the last time. Don't make me come up to get someone. Give Yining the phone!" Tang Xiao's voice seemed to spring out of his teeth. It was as cold as a bone.

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