There are two rooms on the right, opposite each other. The reason why the BlackBerry sisters let Yining live opposite their room is just to keep an eye on her movements.

Yining understands, but she doesn't know what Guo Ying thinks.

She looks back at Guo Ying, but she doesn't have many other emotions.

When Yining saw her, she smiled at Yining and said heartily, "Yining, I'm really sorry to trouble you so much tonight. Since they have arranged it for you, I'll stop interfering, so that Mr. Tang won't see me again."

"You go to sleep, I'm going to sleep too. Let's go to work together tomorrow." She curved her eyebrows and eyes at her, looking the same as when she was at school with Yining.

Yining nodded and smiled. "Go to bed early, don't think about it."

When they turned back to back, Guo Ying's smile suddenly cooled down.

Yining returns to the room, is preparing to sleep, received the Tang Xiao's telephone again.

"I'm in the hotel room, blackberry. They live opposite." Yining offered to account so that he could not blame him.

Tang Xiao felt a little uncomfortable about her confession. What was her tone and attitude, as if he was really afraid that she would escape.

If he is such a shadow, why should he come back and leave her alone?

"You don't have to report this to me." Tang Xiao's tone is not very good, and his attitude is also a little fidgety.

"If you don't report these, what will you report? You know everything I do, and I don't know what else I have to report to you. " Yining said again.

When I went to the window, I wanted to draw the curtain, but when I looked up, I found that the moon was very bright outside the window, and the sky seemed to be washed by water. It was pure black and blue.

She liked such a beautiful scene.

The corners of his mouth were slightly hooked up, and the voice of Tang Xiao was slightly annoyed: "do I ask you these? I'll ask you later, and you'll answer! "

He called but just wanted to tell her that he was home.

But listen to what she said. She will not be happy if she doesn't stimulate him for a day, right?

"Well." Yining answered, and his voice was so quiet that Tang Xiao thought it was an illusion in his ear.

He was silent and seemed to have nothing to say to her, so he said "that's it," and hung up.

Yining: "..."

Reach out, draw the curtain, cover the beautiful scenery outside, and close her heart door.

Yining spent so much time last night that before she woke up in the morning, the door of her room was knocked wildly.

"Yining, Yining are you in there? Help me

Her movements shocked the BlackBerry girls in the opposite direction. As qualified bodyguards, blackberry sisters only recognize their own owners and the people they need to protect, that is, Tang Xiao and Yining.

As for other people, no matter how close they are to Tang Xiao or Yining, if they do something that makes their master feel uneasy, they don't have to be polite to her.

"What do you do!"

"What time do you knock at now?"

Yining just got up from the bed and sat up. The whole person's brain was still confused. He heard the BlackBerry sisters after Guo Ying knocked on the door and called for her.

"I I have something to look for Yining. It's already dawn. Can't I call her yet? " Guo Ying's voice was timid. She was afraid of the tall and difficult sisters.

"It's dawn, but it's not time for Miss Yining to get up. You'll make a noise like this!" BlackBerry warns.

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