Such a TangXiao is deadly!

"Let's go home." Tang Xiao grabs Yining's hand and leads her out.

At home, Yining's mood finally improved a lot. Although she was still in a heavy mood after seeing her brother, she was not as indifferent to anything as before.

"I'll make soup for you." Yining is going to the kitchen with his head down. All the dishes they bought have been moved into the kitchen.

"No, I'll do it another day." Tang Xiao knew that she was in a bad mood. At this time, he let her into the kitchen. He couldn't bear anything.

Yining had to nod her head obediently, and had her materials taken upstairs. She began to read them in the room.

The previous materials are very simple, and there are few signs, and Yining can see them very quickly.

But when we got to the back, the signs were not only less and less, but also very illogical. Yining had to sift through all the information, and two hours later.

When the servant downstairs called for her to eat, she wriggled her neck and stood up. She roughly looked at the information in front of her desk, and less than a quarter of them had read it.

So many, can you really watch it tonight?

Yining was worried. He got up and went downstairs. Tang Xiao didn't know where he had gone. He just came back with a chill.

"It's snowing outside." Seeing her, Tang Xiao said to her, "do you want to have a look after dinner?"

At this time, the weather is still very cold. Unexpectedly, it snowed. Yining is not in a lot of mood. She is eager to finish reading the upstairs information and will give a report tomorrow.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Tang Xiao took it as her acquiescence.

After dinner, Yining will go upstairs and get up and be stopped by Tang Xiao: "put on more clothes, I'll wait for you downstairs."

He misunderstood her going upstairs to get dressed.

Yining stopped, nodded his head, and then heard Tang Xiao say, "Jin se will come to see you in two days."

Don Kinzer, Yining has not seen her for a long time.


When Yining got dressed and came outside, a layer of white snow had accumulated on the ground. It was clean and thorough.

The sky is also full of snow. Yining looks up at the beautiful scenery under the vast sky, but his heart is desolate.

If only her brother were there.

It's a pity that the man is dead. He can't come back.

After a long walk with Tang Xiao outside, Yining went upstairs to his room, intending to take a hot bath, and stayed in the room to read.

The door of the room just closed was pushed open immediately. Yining looked back and saw that Tang Xiao rushed towards her.

Yining was thrown on the bed by him, eager to have something happen with her. Yining put his hand on his chest, gasped and said, "can we have another day?"

She had a lot to do tonight. She had wasted a lot of time walking with him in the snow.

Tang Xiao's eyes suddenly cold, clasped her body's palm and increased strength: "what do you mean? Want to go back? "

She promised him last night. Is it too late to go back now?

"No." Yining is afraid of Tang Xiao now. He always feels that he can tear her down and swallow her into his stomach in the next second. There is no bone residue left.

"I haven't finished my work yet, I may not have time tonight, I promise you, another day, or tomorrow night, I will not..."

Before she finished speaking, she was blocked by Tang Xiao. What happened behind her was beyond her control.

Yining remembered his work, but he was still tossed about in the middle of the night, sleeping in the past.

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