"Guo Ying, why are you here?" Asked Yining.

"I heard that you asked for leave, worried about your body, and your brother..." She glanced at Tang Xiao quietly, then took out the documents in the bag and handed them to Yining. "These are the documents that director Lin asked me to bring along by the way, saying they are helpful to your design."

Yining took a look at it, then her eyes widened.

"Original! Isn't the original copy of the book out of stock? Where did you get it? " Yining can't help holding the classic art book.

This is the book she always wanted to buy, but there is no place to buy!

Guo Ying shrugged, saying she didn't know.

But in fact, she had bought the book for a long time. When she was at school, she knew that Yining was begging for the book everywhere. She got the book by chance, which was intended to make a birthday present for her.

Later, Tang Xiao appeared, and her gifts were never sent out

At this time, in the name of director Lin, although it's a pity not to give it to her in her own name, as long as this book can help her play the most role.

"Director Lin is so good. How does she know I like this book?"

Next to Tang Xiao and Tang jinsher, they silently put Yining's cheerful appearance into their eyes, especially Tang Xiao, and remembered the author of the book she held in her arms.

"Have you eaten?" Yining asked casually.

Guo Ying shook her head and said shyly, "I heard something wrong with your voice on the phone. As soon as I got off work, I ran over and forgot about eating."

The words "wrong phone voice" attracted the attention of Tang Xiao and Tang Jinshe. They looked up to Yining and wondered why she was wrong.

Just now it was clear that everything was fine.

Guo Ying noticed the look in their eyes and quickly answered for Yining: "Yining said on the phone that she saw IMER, I'm worried about her, so I came here to have a look. "

Said, with a sigh.

Tang jinsher and Fu Jinyan have a look at each other. Tang jinsher only heard from Yining that her brother was killed by Tang Xiao and the rest she didn't say.

When it comes to her brother, Yining must have been in agony just now, but she still laughs like nobody in front of them.

All of a sudden, Tang Jinshe felt sorry for her.

However, what is the situation of Yimo?

"Yining, isn't your brother really..." As soon as Tang Jin se was about to speak, he was interrupted by Tang Xiao, "the lunch prepared by the servant is ready."

Tang Jinshe immediately closed her mouth. How did she forget that Yining suspected that her brother had been killed by Tang Xiao? Now she said it in front of them. It hurt Yining twice, made her sad and made Tang Xiao unable to get down.

Sorry smile, didn't wait for Guo Ying to finish eating, Fu Jin Yan left with Tang Jin se.

Guo Ying finished eating, but didn't plan to leave.

It's time for work, and she has no intention of going back to work.

"Guo Ying, you Leave the company? " Yining asked politely.

Guo Ying simply nodded: "yes, when I heard your phone call, I already asked director Lin for leave. Yining, tell me how you met your brother. He Did he forget me? "

Taking advantage of Tang Xiao's absence, Guo Ying asked in Yining's low voice, and her eyes were still red.

"If he is still alive, why doesn't he come to me? Does he know how I have survived these days?"

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