Yining shook him off and replied in a cold voice: "no, you are not afraid that I will escape outside? I'll stay at home and be a canary without wings. Aren't you happier? "

Oh, I got angry with him.

Tang Xiao looked at the back of her huff and puff upstairs. His eyes moved down to the guest room where Guo Ying lived, and his cold eyes narrowed slightly.

Yining went back to the room and locked the door. Then he went to the table, opened the pile of materials and looked down.

Tang Xiao knocked at the door for half a day. She pretended that she couldn't hear and said nothing.

"Really not?" Tang Xiao asked her.

Yining did not respond.

The phone rings just at this time. It's su Weijun's.

"What is it?" Tang Xiao answers the phone, looks at the time, frowns and goes downstairs.

"President, where have you been? Why don't you come to work in the company again? Today, the head of reward and group comes here. There are several problems on the project that you need to discuss with yourself. Come here when you have time. "

"I'll be right here." Tang Xiao hung up the phone, looked at Yining's closed door, told the servant to call him if there was anything, and then left home.

Guo Ying slept for a long time, but never woke up.

Yining finished reading the materials Guo Ying gave her yesterday, wrote the report and emailed it to director Lin.

In the evening, when Tang Xiao came back, Guo Ying still didn't wake up.

During the meal, Yining felt the terrible low pressure of Tang Xiao, which was constantly emanating.

Silent, only buried in the meal.

The next day Yining and Tang Xiao went downstairs to have breakfast and ready to go to work. Guo Ying was still awake.

"How sleepless is it?" Yining sighed and sent a message to Director Lin asking for leave to Guo Ying.

When she came back from work in the evening, Guo Ying finally woke up, but she still looked weak.

White lips, empty eyes, weak limbs, like a serious illness.

Yining saw that she was only wearing pajamas, so she had no spirit. She asked the servant to find her coat and put it on her.

"Don't freeze." The temperature in the room is constant, not cold, but she looks like this, which makes Tang Xiao see that it's not good.

"Thank you, Yining. I don't know what it would be like without you today." In a hoarse voice, Guo Ying nods to Yining to thank him, and looks at the tall man standing next to Yining.

The man is still a cold, strangers not close to the appearance, aware that she looked at him, Tang Xiao's warning eyes swept over, Guo Ying shrunk for a while, quickly took back his eyes.

"By the way, and thank you for asking for leave. Director Lin didn't say anything?" Guo Ying asked again.

Yining shook his head, thinking of director Lin's words, the strange feeling in her heart ran out again.

"Yining, you are talented, but your talent should not be used in these unrelated things. I will tell you that you can do it well. These reports don't need to be so careful."

Yining's eyes fell on Guo Ying without trace, and she soon came back. I hope what she thought was wrong.

Guo Ying lives in Qujing manor.

In the evening, when Tang Xiao came to Yining's room and was about to swallow her, the door of the room suddenly rang.

Then there was a low voice of inquiry from Guo Ying: "Yining, do you have any medicine in your room? I seem to have a cold."

Tang Xiao stopped for a moment and was extremely upset. He didn't want to pay attention to the people outside the door and continued to get on with the women under him.

Yining put his hand on the man's chest to stop his next move.

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