Yining sighed and looked at the expression on Guo Ying's face.

"Who is so wicked!" Guo Ying scolded angrily, and Yining almost choked by her own saliva.

Did she and Tang Xiao think wrong, and it wasn't Yining who wanted to frame her?

"It's too much. How can I make such a joke!" Guo Ying scolded a few more words, then asked Yining, "didn't you explain to Mr. Tang clearly?"

Yining shook his head: "he would not listen to my explanation. If he would listen to my explanation, he would not..."

She didn't go on, but the whole people in Qujing manor knew what happened that night.

Guo Ying's face was also somewhat chatty. Instead of asking, she asked Yining what she was going to do in the future.

"I I don't know. Step by step. " Yining sighed.

That night, Tang Xiao did not come back.

Guo Ying looks out of the door several times and seems to be waiting for something.

She covered up the subtle movements very well. If it had been before, it would have been difficult for Yining to find out.

But tonight she always felt that Guo Ying was a little absent-minded.

And she heard that she had lived in the hospital. Not only had she not visited the hospital in these three days, but she came back and asked Tang Xiao.

Yining couldn't help wondering what she was here for.

Do you want to get close to Tang Xiao through her?

It's impossible. Didn't she like IMER? How could

"Guo Ying, why don't you want to be a nurse all of a sudden?" Yining suddenly opens her mouth and startles Guo Ying, who is quietly looking out of the door.

After holding up the water glass on the table and taking a SIP to cover up the lack of kindness, he said: "the nurse is very tired, you don't know, and you often get angry."

She cited many reasons, but Yining suddenly said: "when you were a nurse, did you make any mistakes?"

Guo Ying's hand suddenly shakes. She meets the water cup beside the table. The water cup falls to the ground in a split moment.

The clear voice surprised the servant next door. Yining was also surprised. What's wrong with her?

"Any injuries?" Yining asked her and asked the servant to clean her broken water glass.

Guo Ying shook her head, said it was ok, and explained to herself, "I'm too busy with my work recently. I go to the company early every day, and I'm too busy until I come back late. I haven't had time to visit you in the hospital. Yining, aren't you angry with me because of this?"

The servant who was cleaning quietly raised his head and looked at Guo Ying, who lied but didn't make a draft. Her eyes were full of contempt.

Miss Yining and their young master are not at home these three days. She doesn't know how early she gets off work every day. As soon as she comes back, she asks them if Yining and Tang Xiao have come back.

When she got the negative answer, she lost her eyes. Then she did nothing in the living room and waited for them to come back.

The servant thinks Miss Guo is very strange. She is Miss Yining's friend, but seems to care more about Mr. Tang. Is she to the young master

After all, there is no evidence for this kind of thing. Guo Ying knows that she has no chance to defend herself.

Yining shook his head and smiled very appropriately: "how can I be angry with you? You just entered the company and should be busy. Don't be tired. I will serve you when I'm ready. I won't do it."

Guo Ying was amused by her. Tang Xiao was not there. They got along well.

The next day we went to work together. As soon as we got to the office, director Lin asked people to inform them to have a meeting.

In recent years, there have been various meetings, large and small. Although Yining is resting, she still needs to finish the work assigned to her.

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