That's dad's last dignity.

She didn't want to prick it.

My brother's case is still up in the air. I'm afraid it will be even more detrimental to my brother if I drag it on! My mother also worried about the company and my brother. She had a high fever at home these two days

Thinking of this, the thought that had been in Tang Jinshe's mind for a long time began to show signs of being ready to move.

It seems that she can't wait like this!


8 p.m., Jinyuan.

Located in the most luxurious villa area of K City, this single apartment is located in the best lighting position in the villa area. The outer layer of the apartment is specially designed by famous experts, which is very beautiful.

Tang Jinshe looked at the scene as before, with a trace of rapid complexity on his face.


It uses the brocade in her name, which means prosperous.

Tang Jinshe went to the door of the apartment, with the memory of the past, subconsciously reached for the password.

"Hello, the password is wrong, please re-enter."

"Hello, your fingerprint does not match, please re-enter..."

"Friendly prompt, after three times of password input failure, the lock will start the alarm program automatically!"

Tang Jinshe: "..."

It's her thinking.

I don't think everything here has changed, but I forget that Fu Jinyan is indifferent to her now. How could she take her birthday as a password and record her fingerprint in it

Tang made a mockery of himself, then moved his hand away from the password lock and landed on the doorbell button beside him.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong... "

The door bell kept ringing for a long time, until Tang Jinshe was about to give up and leave, the closed door was opened from the inside.

As if it was accurate, she grabbed the second before her patience was about to run out.

"Don jinsher, I remember that you and I have no debt, so you are here today just to disturb the people?"

As soon as the door opened, the man's cold words hit Tang Jinshe.

Tang Jinse's face is slightly white, but his attitude towards men is not surprising.

"Fu Shao, don't you invite me in?"

The words fall, Tang Jin se does not plan to get the man's answer, immediately walked into.

Inside the house.

The atmosphere is a little stagnant.

The facilities in the apartment are still the same, as if nothing has changed.

Tang Jinshe slowly turned around and saw Fu Jinyan's indifferent sight on his body.

Thin cold, teasing, a "see off" cold posture.

"Fu Shaoxiang and I don't owe each other, I'm afraid it's not easy..." Tang Jinshe raised her eyes and smiled. Like a bewitching goblin, she immediately let Fu Jin Yan shrink her pupils.

Although the tension in the palm of his hand was sweat, Tang Jinshe slowly took out the chips for his trip.

"Did Fu Shao forget the exciting scene of that night when we had a spring breeze? If Fu Shao forgets it, I don't mind remembering it for you. "

Tang Jinshe said, then waved to the man the U disk in the wave, which copies her and Fu Jinyan's powerful video.

She had a bright smile on her face. Her triumphant victory was vividly interpreted by her, and even concealed the sharp eyes of the man not far away.

But the pain and helplessness hidden in her black eyes, only she clearly understood!

How could she force Fu Jin Yan to help her if she didn't have to? How could she even abandon her last shame if she didn't protect her close relatives?

This is my last chip.

It's also the last chip I want to take out.

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