Yining was silent again and smiled: "I never thought of winning you."

She never regarded Guo Ying as her opponent, but she didn't expect to be Guo Ying's eyesore.

"Yeah, you didn't want to win me, but you never gave me a chance to win." Guo Ying's voice rang out again: "Yining, you've got enough, so love your brother and Tang Xiao's love. Don't you hate Tang Xiao for killing your brother?"

"Now I will give you a chance to run away. I will help you contain Tang Xiao and make him fall in love with me, so that you can get out of his control and kill two birds with one stone. Are we all ok?"

Yining still didn't speak. Guo Yingjing calmed down and said with a smile, "no matter what kind of decision you make, it can't change the fact that I've had a relationship with Tang Xiao. Yining, give Tang Xiao to me. Go."

Yining didn't know when the call ended or where he was going.

Her steps are very empty. Every step she takes feels like stepping on the cloud. There is no real feeling.

Until the back, suddenly a dark, fainted on the ground

"Why did someone fall on the ground here? Would you like to take her to the hospital?"

"Let's see the situation first. What if it's porcelain bumping?"

"No, I don't think the girl looks like she pretends. If something happens, it's not good to miss the best time to see a doctor."

"Then go and save it. I dare not."

Before that person but hesitated, stood there dare not go forward.

Someone picked up his mobile phone and called the emergency number. Someone discussed whether to record a video first and then go up to rescue people.

When everyone hesitated, a thin figure squeezed into the crowd, pulled Yining up, got on his back, and took him all the way to the hospital.

When the BlackBerry sisters returned to the car, there was no one in it.

"And miss Yining?"

"Didn't I leave you here to watch her?"

"But miss Yining said she was thirsty and asked me to buy her water..."

"Don't hurry to find someone!"

The two sisters went to find it separately. If they couldn't find it, they could only inform Tang Xiao. Then they faced another punishment.

However, no matter how they look for it, Yining seems to have evaporated without trace.

The two sisters had to call Tang Xiao and tell him about Miss Yining's disappearance.

"What's the matter with you? I can't see the person. Find it for me. If you can't find it, don't come back. A pile of rubbish!"

The Tang owl was furious and furious. No one dared to provoke him.

A phone call, his hands are transferred out, the city carpet search Yining.

No matter where she fled, she would never want to leave him!

Yining woke up in the hospital. The pungent disinfectant made her dizzy head ache even more.

She opened her eyes, looked around her eyes, and found a beautiful girl sitting beside the bed, a strange girl with no smile on her face.

"You wake up and lie down. You are pregnant and need a good rest."


Like a bolt from the blue, in Yining's mind exploded, she stared at the girl, can't believe it.

"No way, how can I get pregnant, i..."

Her head was in a mess, but when she was with Tang Xiao before, Tang Xiao found out that she took contraceptives, and he never allowed her to take them again.

If it's a pregnancy, there's no accident. It's just that the baby is too late.

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