Yining came back to his study with cakes, but was rejected by Tang Xiao: "I'm not a woman. What do you do for me? Eat for yourself! "

Yining: "..." So is pastry just what women eat? Do men stop eating?

"I'll go down and change it for you." Yining turned around to leave, but was called by Tang Xiao, "I don't want to eat any more."

He's like a rebellious teenager with a bad temper.

Yining very speechless sat back, and heard him not to avoid the screen across a large group of high-level face, shouted to her: "eat all the cakes."

Yining points to her nose and lets her eat this?

Tang Xiao frowned and felt the wind and rain coming. Yining took a smoke from the corner of his eye, picked up a cake and ate it slowly.

This man is hard to serve!

When Tang Xiao saw that she was obedient to eat, he smiled at the corner of his mouth. He never lost his mind at the meeting and forgot what he was doing for a while.

Yining finished the cake and sat there sleepy when he had nothing to do.

Tang Xiao glanced at her weak and drooping eyes, abruptly dispersed the meeting, went to her and picked her up.

The body suddenly hangs in the air, Yining almost screams out in fright, his hands subconsciously put their arms around the man's neck, and his brain is refreshed.

Looking down at Tang Xiao who was holding her to the other side of the bed, Yining couldn't help but shrieking to remind him, "you still have injuries on your back!"

Several lunges, she has been carried to bed by him to sit down.

Yining did not want to pull his hand, let him sit beside himself, and then reached out to lift his clothes to see his back, the gauze on his back was red again.

Yining's face was a little ugly. He grabbed his cell phone from his hand immediately, but when he opened it, he needed to enter a password

She just wanted to use his cell phone to call the family doctor and ask him to come over and bandage Tang Xiao again.

But now

The atmosphere was suddenly awkward.

Tang Xiao bends his lips, grabs the hand she put down, and presses her finger on Tang Xiao's mobile phone. The fingerprint recognition is successful!

Yining stares at Tang Xiao in shock. This What's the matter!

"The digital code is your birthday." Tang Xiao seemed to say a word carelessly, but it was like a stone throwing into the water, arousing a thousand layers of water in her heart.

Yining's breathing was strained.

"Don Xiao, do you like me?" She once asked him this question, but she got a negative answer.

But now

He even set the mobile phone password as her birthday and input her fingerprint identification. If it's not because he likes her, why does he do this?

These things can only be done by lovers!

Tang Xiao's eyes moved, he put the mobile phone into her hands, then rushed to her like a wolf, close to her, his voice was low and ambiguous: "I don't like you, why should I go to you? You're my woman. Is it strange that the mobile phone password is set to your birthday? "

With that, he grabbed her chin and lowered his head and kissed her.

After a storm, Yining reached out and pushed him out.

"Are you crazy? You still have injuries!"

He's just a madman. Will he like her? Unless the sow will go up the tree!

This smelly man who is full of lies and doesn't have a word of truth in his mouth, she will believe that he will go to hell!

Pick up his cell phone, Yining finds the family doctor's phone and dials out, asking him to come over and bandage Tang Xiao's wound again.

After the call, Yining throws back his cell phone. Tang Xiao catches it and laughs at her.

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