Su Weijun suddenly felt very hurt. She had made so many changes, from appearance to living habits, and she was trying to be a smart and obedient little woman.

However, in the mind of Tang Xiaoxiao, she is still a "man who does not look like a woman at all". It is the "same-sex" that he does not even have any indiscriminate thought in his eyes.

"Should I thank you for always reminding me of my gender so intimately?" Su Weijun's face was forced to pile up a smile pretending not to care.

Over the years, she has been used to being ridiculed by him. Although there is no malice, she cares about it in the end.

What's more, after her efforts and changes, she found that her image and position in Tang Xiao's heart did not waver, and she felt more powerless and depressed.

Maybe she used to think that she was right, but she deceived herself.

What stupid women want to get rid of women, and smart women want to get rid of men.

She has spent so much effort not only not to let Tang Xiao notice her change, but also her charm, even seemed to be more and more far away from him.

In my heart, it's false to say that there is no unwillingness. How can there be no unwillingness.

It's just too confused to know how to make a change.

"Don't you see my change, Tang Xiao?" Su Weijun's head is hot, and he suddenly wants to know what he thinks.

He must have seen her change, but her change seemed to have little effect on him.

"What have you changed?" Tang Xiao's cell phone rang. He was talking to people, but the phone soon ended. When he heard her question, he asked her back without looking up.

"Don't you think I've become more feminine?" Su Weijun stood up and took off her coat, revealing her sexy black dress with off shoulder inside.

Tang Xiao's eyes fell on her and frowned. He didn't like the feeling very much. Su Weijun seemed to be a new man, and he became the same as the woman who kept sticking on him.

"Or do you want to see my more feminine side?" Su Weijun reached out and grabbed the dress belt on her shoulder, and slowly slid down her shoulder.

Tang Xiao's face gradually tightened, and his voice was cold: "enough."

"That's enough, don't you say I'm like a man? I'll show you today if I'm a woman. " Su Weijun did not know what was wrong with him. He was eager to prove that he was a woman to show him.

"Su Weijun, do you drink too much?" Tang Xiao stood up and seemed to want to drive people away.

Su Weijun put his hand on his shoulder with a strap on it and stopped. After a pause, she watched Tang Xiao walk towards her. She soon smiled again: "I didn't touch a drop of wine today, just want you to see whether I am a man or a woman."

Tang Xiao picked up her coat that had fallen on the ground and put it on her. Her face was cold: "I didn't expect that you were so old and cared about these things like a child."

Su Weijun took the opportunity to hold his hand and looked at him affectionately: "then tell me, I am a man or a woman in your heart."

Her face was strangely serious, and there was no joke in it.

Tang Xiao stared at her clearly and valiantly, but deliberately drew a gentle and soft face, took her hand away, stepped back, and smiled coldly at the bottom of his eyes: "Su Weijun, you have crossed."

As soon as she said this, Su Weijun knew that she had lost. No matter how hard she tried, her distance with Tang Xiao would only get farther and farther.

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