Hu Yushan's mouth is tighter, and Huoxi's hands are fiercer. Slowly, Hu Yushan feels suffocated, and her consciousness seems to be getting closer to death.

Her hands tightly hold Huoxi's hands, and her fingernails hold Huoxi's hands with bloodstains.

Huo Xixiu, with a sneer, said: "it's useless. If you scratch my hand, I can live well. If you don't say it, I can send you to see the king of Yan now!"

Of course, Huo Xi didn't dare to kill. She was just bluffing Hu Yushan.

However, Hu Yushan is obviously frightened by her success, and the red face slowly becomes twisted.

"Say, tell me, who asked you to put medicine in my drink that time?"

"I I don't know! " Hu Yushan is still talking hard.

Huo Xi saw that she couldn't breathe, and suddenly released her fingers. Hu Yushan fell to the ground. When she gasped, her body was still shaking.

Look at Huoxi in horror, as if looking at a devil.

"Hu Yushan, I thought that after so many years, you still regarded me as a good friend as before, but now it seems that I am too naive. I'm going to warn you for the last time now. If you don't want to experience the feeling of suffocation and death again, you should be honest and tell me who ordered you to give me medicine that night! "

Hu Yushan slows down, hands tightly protecting her neck, for fear that Huoxi will start again.

"Huoxi, you have no evidence. Why should I give you medicine? I didn't do it! "

"You didn't do it?" Huo Xi takes out a snake from behind and shows its head. Hu Yushan almost faints with fear.

"If you don't, I'll throw you into the snake nest. Don't worry. I'll help you find a bunch of snakes without poison and teeth, and play with you slowly." Huo Xiyang's smile seems innocent, but it makes Hu Yushan feel extremely scared.

This woman is a devil!

However, after only three years abroad, how could she become more arrogant than before? She didn't take her seriously at all.

Hu Yushan knows that if Huoxi can speak out, she will certainly be able to do it. She is a well-known miss of the Huo family. Although she is not popular with the Huo family, she can disappear from the world at any time as long as she is willing to move her fingers.

Hu Yushan hesitated for a moment, but before he opened his mouth, Huoxi narrowed his eyes and warned in a cold voice, "I want to hear the truth and dare to cheat me with a word. You know the end."

Hu Yushan shuddered inexplicably, swallowed his saliva, and shivered back: "yes It was Huo Xinrong's mother who gave me a sum of money to do so. "

Zhou Yuling asks Hu Yushan to give her medicine and then send her to Lu Sheng's bed?

What does Zhou Yuling want? Her daughter is Lu Sheng's fiancee. Should she not send Huo Xinrong?

Lu Sheng is the only son-in-law that Huo's family looks forward to. Did Zhou Yuling let her take advantage of her?

In other words, Zhou Yuling's original purpose was to Huo Xinrong, but she was hit by Hu Yushan by mistake?

"Are you sure that the medicine Zhou Yuling asked you to give me is not for Huo Xinrong?"

Hu Yushan looks dazed: "why do you want to give Huo Xinrong medicine? Zhou Yuling told me that it was for you. "

Hu Yushan is confused about Huoxi's question. Zhou Yuling is vicious, but she doesn't know how to deal with her own daughter.

Did Huoxi take medicine to take out side effect, brain is broken?

Huo Xi frowns and ignores the confusion in Hu Yushan's eyes. She gets the answer and doesn't have to stay here.

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