"No, I know that." Yining just smiled and left the bedroom.

When Yining came to the next room, the doctor was examining him.

"All aspects of the body are OK. If you take a good rest for two days, you will recover slowly." As the doctor examined, he told the servants who were guarding Tang Xiao.

Seeing Yining coming, the doctors and servants who had finished the examination consciously left Tang Xiao's room.

"Come here." Tang Xiao looked at her in a hoarse, low voice.

Yining walked over and sat down in the chair beside the bed.

Tang Xiao's fingers moved, as if she wanted to hold his hand, but Yining didn't.

Memories pull back to the picture of suweijun holding his hand, and her mood falls down again.

"What's the matter?" Aware of her mood, Tang Xiao's brow was even tighter.

Is she worried about herself?

"I'm fine." It took a lot of effort to catch her hand.

Yining wanted to break away, thinking of his injury. If she broke away, it might break his wound. So she stopped thinking of breaking away his hand and sat beside him quietly.

"Feel better?" Yining reached out and put a sticker on his forehead to see if he had a fever.

Tang Xiao's tense face finally relaxed: "it's much better."

At least it's not as bad as yesterday.

"It's a miracle that the doctor said you could wake up today." Yining had a chat with him, but he had been absent-minded.

According to the extent of his injury, it's not normal for him to stay in coma for two or three days, but he only went out of coma when he had surgery yesterday, because of the double stimulation of sharp pain and anesthesia. He didn't wake up until today.

Men's perseverance is very strong.

Tang Xiao pulled his lips. He looked very tired.

Yining didn't want to disturb him for a long time. He put his hand back: "you have a good sleep. Only when you have a good rest can you get better faster."

Tang Xiao held Yining's hand tightly, and his eyes fell on Yining's stomach: "is it OK this time? Do you have any trouble? "

The child is so small, how can she be upset? At most, Yining can't eat and sleep well

But these are normal mother to experience, there is nothing not tossing.

"Well, it's good." Yining's eyes also fell gently on her stomach, and suddenly she had a plan in her heart - would she try to escape again while Tang Xiao was seriously ill?

This time, even if Tang Xiao has any great ability, he can't chase her all over the world.

The idea passed in my mind for a moment, and Yining soon gave up the plan.

Because Tang Xiao was injured, the security of Qu Jing doubled.

Originally, Tang Xiao was on a business trip, for fear that Yining would be persecuted in the manor alone, which had doubled the defense of the manor. Now the whole manor is more closely guarded, and it is difficult for her to escape to the heaven.

Tang Xiao also looked at her stomach. He didn't know if it was hurt or what the cause was. His eyes were so gentle that they could almost leach water.

Yining slightly drooped his eyes, accompanied Tang Xiao for a long time, until he fell asleep, Yining got up and went downstairs.

"Have something, madam," said the servant, who had prepared her a nutritious meal.

Su Weijun has just finished eating. He stands up to take Yining's place and goes upstairs to see Tang Xiao.

In the evening, Su Weijun did not stay, but he would come to the manor on time the next day.

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