AMO took a cup of warm milk and handed it to Yining. Looking back, he asked, "madam, what did those servants say here?"

She always felt something was wrong, but she couldn't say exactly what was wrong.

As Yining's bodyguard, she is only responsible for Yining's personal safety. She can't take care of other matters, but many times, she can't help but ignore them.

Yining slightly drooped his eyes and took a sip of milk. He only felt that the smell of the milk was too strong to drink, so he put it on the table beside him.

"Nothing." Yining doesn't care to continue to lean on the taffy chair and sleep with her eyes closed.

AMO thinks Yining has something to hide from her, but she can't force Yining to say anything.

"By the way, ma'am, the young master just called and asked you to deliver him lunch at noon." AMO added.

Now she follows Yining closely. Yining's cell phone is also in her custody. When Tang Xiao called just now, she still gave Yining hot milk in the kitchen, so she took it without authorization.

"Well." Yining's reaction was very flat. She asked the servant to prepare the meal. At noon, she would sit in the driver's car and go to Tang Group.

I haven't been here for a long time. People in the company keep looking back at her like they don't know her.

Strange eyes fell on her, but Yining did not seem to notice, looking forward, and walked all the way from the hall to the president's exclusive elevator without expression.

After inputting the fingerprint and entering the elevator, amo couldn't help saying, "madam, why do those people outside look at you like that?"

AMO didn't come to the company with Yining. Before they saw Yining, they would say hello appropriately. Today, not only no one asked her how to do it, but also they all pointed at her.

If you don't worry about the company here, amo really wants to catch one of them and ask what they are talking about.

Yining pressed her lips tightly, and her face was not very beautiful.

"Leave them alone." Yining simply told her that she never cared about other people's opinions. She would not care about them as long as they did not cause substantive harm to her.

If you really care, who is right and who is wrong?

It's just a meaningless waste of time.

Mo wants to stop talking.

When he arrived at Tang Xiao's office, he was not there.

When Tang Xiao's assistant saw her appear, he was surprised.

"Madam, why are you here?"

Yining looks back at amo, who explains, "I did get a call from the young master."

She turned on Yining's cell phone record to prove that she had not lied.

"I didn't mean to question you." Yining just thought that she had made a mistake and turned to Tang Xiao's assistant and said, "I'm here to deliver food to Tang Xiao. Where is Tang Xiao?"

"President Tang He's in a meeting. " Assistant Tang Xiao was a little flustered and didn't know what he was hiding.

Yining was not interested in asking, nodded and asked, "when will he end?"

"This I don't know. Maybe you can wait here, madam. Maybe it will be over later. " Assistant Tang Xiao invited her into the office.

Yining nodded and waited in the office with amo.

After a long time, Tang Xiao's assistant said to Yining, "madam, I'll see when the meeting is over."

"I'm tired." Yining nodded and watched the assistant leave.

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