Huo Xi's head exploded, thinking that her brother-in-law might still be somewhere, waiting for her to save her, her chest burst of pain.

She raised her feeble eyes, stared at Huo Jingming, and asked him in a cold voice: "so you and Zhou Yuling know about this. What about Huo Xinrong? Does she support you to do the same? "

Huo Jingming's face crossed an unnatural line. He turned to avoid her cold eyes.

His reaction showed everything. It was all too obvious.

Huo Xi sneers and tears flash in his eyes: "your Huo family are really a nest of snakes and mice, and Huo Xinrong is really open-minded. If she does this, she won't be afraid that one day, Lu Sheng will know that she plays with his feelings so much, and then she will be abandoned."

Huo Jingming's face became more and more cold, and she even began to deny that she was Huo's family.

They have a nest of snakes and mice. What is she?

"You don't need to worry about this. Haven't you seen it clearly for so many years? Lu Sheng loves Xinrong. No matter what you say, it will only increase his dislike for you. If you want to become a traitor, you can talk nonsense in front of him. "

"Lu Sheng won't give up Xin Rong. He loves Xin Rong so much. Even if Xin Rong makes a big mistake, he won't leave her. But if you provoke him, even me can't excuse you. You'd better think about this!"

Betrayal, inside and outside?

So what is she now standing in front of him?

Hasn't she betrayed her family and turned her back on others?

No, they are her relatives. She has no relatives since her grandfather died and her brother-in-law disappeared.

Huo Jingming and Zhou Yuling, as well as Huo Xinrong, are a group of hungry wolves dressed in hypocritical skins. They only suck blood on her and drain the rest of her value.

They are the relatives of her. Where are the relatives like them!

"Huo Jingming, you'd better do what you say. If my brother-in-law can't find it back, I'll take you three as a cushion even if you go to hell!"

Huoxi turns around and leaves Huo Jingming's study. As soon as she comes back to her room, she falls on the bed, her face buried in the quilt, feeling the pain of her heart.

Brother in law, brother in law, you must not have an accident. I will save you. Wait for me, wait for me.


In Norway, in the clean president's office, Tang Xiao's men stood behind him, reporting the progress of grace and the group.

"President Tang, Liu Enping promised to cooperate with us after being released from prison, but he has one condition."

Tang Xiao was holding a red wine cup in his hand. His eyes were full of strange coldness, and his lips were light: "say."

"If he helps us catch Liu en and Jiang Ketian, we must help him to sit in the first position of Enhe group, and we can't move Enhe group any more."

The Enhe group was established by Liu en and his brothers. Later, because of the problem of interests, Liu Enping and his brothers turned against each other. Liu Enhe designed to frame Liu Enping and put him in prison for ten years.

This time out of prison, Liu Enping not only wanted to take back everything he had lost, but also everything he had, so that Liu Enhe could taste the taste of betraying him.

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