Lu Sheng's eyes narrowed up in an instant with a dark and horrible light, and his face was extremely angry!

His face was tight, and his breath was a little fickle at last. He pulled her hard to his body, and his voice asked her coldly, "are you so forced to marry me?"

Huo Xi looked at the expression on his face. There was something deeper under his eyes that she couldn't see through.

She smiled and smiled, as if she was about to finish a dream, with light in her eyes, nodded: "yes, I want to dream, but I have to marry you!"

"Well, that's what you said, HOSI, don't you regret it!" Lu Sheng let go of her hand, took a step back, sorted out the messy clothes on her lower body, looked at her with cold eyes, and then turned to leave calmly.

Huoxi picked up the corner of his mouth and followed him, limping away from the pool of Mingfu.

When sitting on Lu Sheng's car, the smile on Huo Xi's lips hasn't disappeared. He looks like a happy little woman about to enter a happy marriage.

But in fact, she will soon fall into the hands of Liu Yi and Zhang Qiumei after receiving the nameless certificate.

They may kill her a little more happily, and her short twenty years of life have come to an end.

Maybe they will try all kinds of ways to torture her, just like the nightmare she had last night, but the end can't escape a word.

Huo Xi didn't feel afraid at all, at least she could do the last thing for her brother-in-law before she died.

When she gets the marriage certificate with Lu Sheng and hands it to Huo Jingming, Huo Jingming will get everything in the Gu family. At that time, her uncle will be useless to them and they will no longer control him.

It's just that Huo Xi has no idea. They can control her brother-in-law. When they get everything, will they turn around and let her brother-in-law kill her? Since then, there is no chance to compete with them for everything, including everything they robbed of the valley family.

The human heart itself is very complex, but the hearts of Huo Jingming and Zhou Yuling are relatively simple, pure and only vicious.

Huo Xi did not dare to think about it. He did not dare to think about what his brother-in-law would become and whether he would be tortured by them in the future without her.

She just wanted to go to a good place and think that Huo Jingming would keep his promise. When she got everything from Gu's house, she let her brother-in-law go.

Although there are bad plans in his mind, Huo Xi can't help it. No matter she doesn't let Huo Jingming get everything from the valley, she will surely die.

It's better for her to struggle for a while before she dies than for her brother-in-law to be saved.

This is the last plan that Huo Xi made before he promised Lu Sheng to send her to replace Huo Xinrong.

The Civil Affairs Bureau will arrive soon. They don't have to wait in line because of Lu Sheng's relationship with his grandfather Lu Tiangui. They will sign their names and handle their certificates soon.

When the little red book is in hand, Huo Xi still has some untrue feelings. Is it so easy that she becomes Lu Sheng's wife?

Huoxi turns to look at Lu Sheng beside him. His expression is gloomy and complicated. He only looks at the marriage certificate in his hand and then looks away. It seems that he looks at it more and feels dirty.

He was disgusted with her. He was disgusted to see the wedding certificate with her photo and her name on it.

Huo Xi's mouth is still slightly smiling. He follows Lu Sheng skillfully and obediently, gets on the bus with him, and then goes to the place where, for her, it is about to be the abyss of hell

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