For a while, Tang Jinshe, who was standing on one side with a glass, seemed abrupt and embarrassed

"Well, do you know who this woman is? Seems to have a good relationship with Mr. Fu? "

"Yes, I have never seen Mr. Fu so close to any woman before!"

"My intuition tells me The relationship between the two men is very different


Listening to the whispers of the staff behind her, Tang Jinshe was in a mess after breathing. Why does she want to watch other people show their love here?

Forced to feed dog food?


Fu Jin said if he is blind, let him go.

"Fu is always right. There is no big or small benefit, and I have learned a little!"

Under the pressure of the bottom of the heart that wipe suffocate, Tang Jinshe again raised his eyes, graceful way.

Fu Jinyan is very special to Ling Xue. Didn't she know that long ago?

Why bother yourself again.

"It's not early outside. We've eaten almost here. Then Mr. Fu, we'll leave first. Have a good meal! "

In a word, Tang Jinshe asked Yu Yue to pay the bill directly. After seeing the staff off in person, he fled as if.

I really don't want to talk to Fu Jin Or Lingxue, one of the two, will stay together again.


Ling Xue looks at Tang Jinshe, who is almost like a runaway man. She hooks her lips proudly.

Today is definitely my lucky day. I successfully pressed Tang Jinshe under my feet.

Again and again, again and again.

Chen Dong, on the other hand, has a headache, and then a headache.

Miss Tang is holding back. The president is under pressure. I'm afraid it's more and more difficult to serve him.


Sure enough, not long after Tang Jinshe left, Fu Jinyan had to get up and prepare to leave. However, the dish in front of him didn't move at all, and he only ate a few mouthfuls of rice.

Ling Xue was surprised at this. She couldn't help saying, "Mr. Fu, this dish hasn't been served yet."

Ling Xue swallowed her saliva nervously, and her eyes fell on Fu Jin Yan's body more greedy.

Chen Dong immediately said, "OK, president."

Fu Jin Yan ignored Ling Xue's eager eyes and walked towards the door, a little worried.

Lingxue steps on high heels to catch up with her.

"Mr. Fu, wait for me."

Ling Xue couldn't understand. Fu Jin Yan, who had just had a good meal, suddenly had to leave.

Ling Xue has been following Fu Jin Yan out of the door, Chen Dong has already settled the account to drive.

After Fu Jin Yan walked out, he couldn't see Tang Jin se. Mo Mou contracted and the dark light flowed. Seeing Chen Dong driving in front of him, he immediately drove in the back seat.


"Yes, president."

Chen Dong immediately starts the engine and ignores Ling Xue. The car passes through the puddle and splashes Ling Xue all over his face.

Lingxue wants to pursue her, but she has no way. She can only watch Fu Jinyan's car leave and stamp her feet angrily.

The way of Fu Jin's words is really confusing.


Chen Dong holds the steering wheel with a big hand and chuckles in his heart. He just looks at Ling Xue at the dinner table.

What's good about robbing Miss Tang's business.


It's a cold night. It's hard to see a few stars in the sky.

In the car.

As a driver, Chen Dong is sitting in the driver's seat, looking straight ahead, serious and focused.

After all, it's hard to walk at night. He'd better be careful!

"Chen Dong, when did Shengshi group start to cooperate with such small companies as magnesium aluminum electric?"

On the way to the car, Fu Jinyan, who had been sleeping on the back seat with his eyes closed, suddenly made a noise

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