Brother Ping hears the words, and there is a slight wavering between his eyebrows and eyes.

Liu Yi is right. Lu Sheng has made such a big move this time. Once they are caught, there is only a dead end. It's not worthwhile to fold all of them here for such a woman!

"But if we take her with us again, it will be a dead end!" The man over there said, "brother Ping, don't hesitate any more. After a night's journey, the brothers are too tired to walk. Why don't we reward the brothers with this woman and discard her? Let's run away."

"Even if we die, we have to get back to the original. Don't let's take her with us. We haven't done anything yet. We are still caught by Lu Sheng's people. It's not worth the loss!"

"No, you can't leave her here!" Liu Yi stops.

The two sides were immediately opposite, full of smoke.

Although Liu Yi is afraid of these people, he is very persistent in this matter.

Huoxi doesn't say a word. He hides quietly behind Liu Yi and tries to minimize his sense of existence.

She's really tired. I don't know when she will pass out. I just hope they can fight for as long as possible.

She really didn't want to go, and she didn't want to be bullied by them in their place.

Huoxi held her body tightly, and her hands slowly slid to the outside of her calves, where they bulged slightly.

"Liu Yi, you want to die!" Liu Yi's obstruction caused other people's anger. One of them hit him in the face with a fist, and others punched and kicked him.

"All right, stop it. Can't you hear the helicopter overhead? That's it. Listen to me. Let's settle this woman here. Let's get on the road light. "

Brother Ping crouches down in front of Liu Yi, whose face is covered with blood. He grabs his collar and warns in a low voice: "you said that we will help you get this woman here, and you will completely obey our orders. My order now is that we want her, you'd better not interfere, otherwise, you will stay here and bury with her!"

Liu Yi was so scared that he immediately felt like a wilted quail, with his neck folded and his head buried. He dared not speak again.

When brother Ping saw his egging look, he snorted scornfully and got up to walk to Huoxi.

"Brother Ping." Liu Yi pulls him, and brother Ping turns around, his eyes full of murderous ideas, and pushes him out.

Liu Yi suddenly bumped into the tree and was stabbed in the head by the broken half of the sharp Branch for several years. Liu Yi stared at the huge and horrible eyes, groaned hard, fell his hand, bled to the ground, and died.

"Ah --"

there are always people looking down on the helicopter, trying to find the traces of those people from the vast forest.

Lu Sheng also gets on the helicopter. He wants to come to her by himself.

As time went by, it was a painful torture for him.

Lu Sheng's face is tighter and tighter, and his breath is more and more frightening.

Suddenly, he seemed to catch a scream in the wind.

It's the voice of Huo Xi!

Lu Sheng couldn't imagine what to do if something happened to Huo Xi.

"Drive over there!" Lu Sheng pointed to a direction, his face was cold and solemn, just like the hell.

The helicopter pilot hesitated: "Lu Shao, there We just looked. "

"I'll let you drive!" There is no doubt that Lu Sheng's voice is cold and terrifying.

There was a cold sweat on the pilot's head, so he turned the helicopter around.

Lu Sheng's cold and sharp eagle eyes are staring at the dark forest which is the same as other places. The tight corners of his mouth are shining with a cold light.

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