Tang Xiao looks up and just wants to put his mind on the high-speed road behind him. Jiang Ketian's men must have driven after him.

But the highway above is not connected with this road. Even with a car, he can't catch up with jiangketian.

"President Tang, here!" In the distance, the assistant's voice suddenly sounded. Tang Xiao saw the car in his sight. He turned his mouth and made a sprint. He soon came to the assistant's car.

The car didn't stop. Tang Xiao jumped up and got into the car through the open window.

"Straight ahead!" Tang Xiao gave a cold order, and the assistant speeded up.

The fog on the road is getting thicker and thicker, and the car in front doesn't know where it's going.

If there is a fork in the road at this time, Tang Xiao can't judge clearly where jiangketian will go.

Tang Xiao clenched his fist tightly, his eyes narrowed into a cold line.

"There was an accident ahead!" Tang Xiao's assistant slowed down the car and was about to go around.

But Tang Xiao suddenly raised his hand and stopped him: "drive up!"

"Ah?" Assistant scared silly, the front is a car accident, so drive up, they will die, right?

"Jiang Ketian is in front of the car accident!" Tang Xiao added that the assistant understood what Tang Xiao meant by opening up.

It's for him to drive to the front, not from there to two cars in the middle of the road.

Scared him to death!

The assistant wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on the wipe head and stopped the car slowly.

Tang Xiao pushes the car door to get out of the car and goes forward. When he comes to the car that Jiangke has turned over to, he is pressed under the window of the whole car and has no breath.

On the other side, in the car he collided with, there was a slight cry for help. Tang Xiao signaled to the assistant. The assistant first called the police, and then went forward to rescue the man carefully with Tang Xiao.

The rest of the hemostasis for the wound was handed over to the assistant. Tang Xiao's men basically arrived. Looking at the dead Jiang Ketian, no one spoke.

It was the amiable uncle Jiang they had called for many years. Who would have expected that he was the spy who had been lurking in the company for a long time.

Thanks to them, the whole company, including Tang Xiao and Yimo, who was killed by him, once respected and loved him so much.

"Send him home." People are dead, how much hatred can not be solved?

Tang Xiao left this sentence and turned away.

"Mr. Tang, just now Miss Tang called. Suddenly, I didn't answer. Do you want to Give it a go? "

As soon as the voice dropped, Tang Xiao took the mobile phone in his assistant's hand and called back Tang Jinshe.

No one answered the phone at the beginning. Tang Xiao called again. It took a long time for Tang Jinshe to get through.

"Brother, what are you doing? My sister-in-law is going to give birth!"

Tang Xiao raised his head abruptly, with a little anxiety under his eyes: "three days later, isn't it?"

"The doctor said it was ahead of time. The baby in Yining's stomach is a little big and may be difficult to give birth. Brother, have you solved the problem over there? Come back, Yining... "

Tang Xiao's heart suddenly tightened, and he breathed quickly: "what's wrong with Yining?"

Tang Xiao's head was buzzing. He couldn't imagine what to do if something happened to Yining's mother and son.

"Let her wait for me, I'll be right back!" Tang Xiao hung up the phone, got on a car from his men, and informed his men to prepare the plane. He wanted to fly to China immediately.

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