Huo Xi thought that Lu Da Shao seemed to have changed. He would not please her before. It would be cheap for her if he didn't kill her.

He would never feel guilty, especially for Huoxi. He would only hate her, cut her to pieces, send her to those cruel and inhuman hooligans, and almost let her leave the world in such a humiliating way.

Should she hate him?

No, she didn't hate him or blame him. She only blamed that she didn't know people clearly and fell in love with such a cold-blooded man without a trace of human nature.

Lu Sheng calls a table of dishes, all of which are light and beneficial to her wound healing.

Lu Sheng, a doctor, is also a health care expert. He knows exactly what kind of food he eats and what kind of disease he has. The prepared dishes not only have no harm to her wound, but also taste, smell and color.

Huo Xi was not very hungry at first. After that, he didn't feel hungry.

But now, the smell of the dish drifted into her nose, which made the greedy insects in her stomach wriggle. Suddenly, her stomach called out, which announced that she was hungry.

Lu Sheng slightly clenched his lips and raised the bowl to feed her. Huo Xi knew that he was in urgent need of energy and didn't care who sent it.

But he refused to accept Lu Sheng's personal feeding. He didn't feel embarrassed. She still felt uncomfortable.

"I'll do it myself." She reached for it, but Lu Sheng didn't give it to her. "You're still hurt. I'll come."

Huo Xi frowned and blocked up a breath in his heart. Then he cooled his face and refused to open his mouth at the beginning.

"Since Lu Shao is hungry, let Lu Shao eat."

Lu Sheng's brow is blue and his face is gloomy: "Huo Xi, what do you mean?"

"What's the point? Lu Shao likes to feed people so much. It's better to find Huo Xinrong. She's your sweetheart. How sad she would be to let her know that you're here with an unimportant person."

Huo Xi sneered with his eyes lowered. His eyes were full of sneering light, which made Lu Sheng's heart burst into flames.

Before he got angry, the door of the ward was knocked, and Lu Sheng's assistant came in: "Mr. Lu, Miss Xinrong just called and asked if you have any time now. She was afraid and wanted you to go with her."

Lu Sheng's cell phone is in the boat. Lu Sheng told him that it was Huo Xinrong's call, so he answered it for him.

"Tell her I'm not available now." Lu Sheng responded coldly.

"But miss Xinrong said..."

"Is she your boss or am I your boss?" Lu Sheng looks back and looks at the assistant coldly.

Suddenly, the boat felt a chill behind it. It shivered. It quickly lowered its head and said, "I know. I'll go back to miss Xinrong."

The boat turned and left the ward in a hurry, and closed the door of the ward by the way.

Standing in the corridor outside, he clapped his heart beating fast on his chest, terrified that Lu Sheng was almost annoyed by his mistake.

However, President Lu paid too much attention to miss Huoxi.

Since general manager Lu sent Miss Huoxi to exchange for miss huoxinrong, and then rescued Miss Huoxi, general manager Lu has never smiled, and his face is always full of an appalling gloom.

Even if Miss Huo Xinrong was in front of him, he never showed a smile.

Just inside, though President Lu didn't smile, his expression was relaxed, and there was a trace of tender feeling in his eyes that was not easy to detect.

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