The assistant quickly bowed his head, but the words stuck in his throat could not be said again.

"You can arrange for the company." Leaving this sentence behind, Lu Sheng left without turning back, driving all the way, and dialing Huoxi's phone number at the same time.

Ahead is the International Airport. The car stops slowly. Huo Xi looks back and thanks Xiao Xishi.

"HOSI." When Huoxi was about to open the door, shawsy stopped her. "Did you think about what I said just now?"

Huo used to try to fool the past, but now it seems that he can't.

"Is that true, Xiao? You are such a big company. Are you sure you can leave me and go abroad with me to find my brother-in-law? "

Xiao Xi just took over his father's company. Now, before people can sit still, they run out with her. Isn't it nonsense?

Huo Xi thought he was just saying it, but his expression became serious: "where is your company important? Huo Xi, I mean it really, if you need me..."

"Dong Dong Dong......"

Huo Xi's phone rang just to interrupt Xiao Xi's words.

Huoxi is shocked. She will call at this time. There is no one else except Lu Sheng.

Huo Xi looks at the eye call indicator. It's really Lu Sheng. Doesn't he realize that she left?

Huo Xi's heart pounded, and Xiao Xi raised his eyebrows: "why not take it? Lu Sheng knows you're running away? "

Huo Xi took a look at him and thought that Lu Sheng didn't know it so soon. Maybe the servants haven't bought a good dish to go home yet!

In order to stabilize Lu Sheng, Huo Xi has to connect the phone and pretend that he is still by the pool of Mingfu.


"Where is it?" Lu Sheng's tone was filled with anger that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth. You don't have to guess. The man was angry.

Then he must have known that he had escaped.

Huo Xi was so confused that he didn't know what to answer. He hurriedly hung up the phone. Before Lu Sheng called back, he turned off the phone.

Her movements were so stupid that Xiao Xi, who was on the other side of the room, made a low laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing the man beside him smiling so happily, Huo Xi also felt that he had just acted as if he were a little stupid and could not hang on for a while.

"Go quickly. If you don't, I'm afraid Lu Sheng will catch up with you." Xiao Xi said with a smile, "you go first. I'll come to France to find you in two days."

Huo Xizhang opened his mouth, so he was serious?

"You actually..."

"What time is your flight?" Asked shawsy suddenly.

Huo Xi looked at the time. It was 11 o'clock. Xiao Xi sighed: "unfortunately, you can't leave."

If she had just hung up Lu Sheng's phone, she might have been able to delay for a while.

But now

With Lu Sheng's influence, even if he doesn't know where Huoxi is, he will find it soon.

Huo Xi listened to Xiao Xi's words, and immediately he wanted to cry.

It's not easy for her to find a chance to escape. Should she be caught by Lu Sheng so easily?

What should she do in case he keeps her at home, like Yining before, and refuses to go anywhere.

Huoxi was desperate.

When Xiao Xi looked at her sad look, she couldn't help sighing: "do you want me to explain something for you?"

When Huoxi looked at Xiaoxi, he asked him to stay and explain for her? That's only going to make the explanation more confusing.

"Come on, you'd better hurry and let Lu Sheng know that you sent me here. He will surely destroy you."

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