"Lu Sheng, will you take me on my honeymoon?" Huo Xi's eyes are bright, looking forward to the man who holds her in his arms.

The charming appearance made the man hot and dry, and his fingers pinched her several times, but he didn't agree.

When the car stopped at the villa, Lu Sheng took her out of the car and warned: "where to go in the future, report to me in advance."

"Then I'm going to France for my honeymoon. Will you let me go?"

"I don't have time now." Lu Sheng said quietly, not to prevaricate her, but really have no time.

"Then when do you have time? Lu Sheng, we have got the license. It's a couple. I want you to do some things with me! "

Lu Sheng steps down, looks down at her with a smile in her eyes: "are you sure you want to do what husband and wife should do?"

Once Huo Xiyi stagnated, he knew where the man wanted to go in an instant.

Just about to give an explanation, there was an awkward cough in the living room.

Huo Xi was frightened. His body contracted into Lu Sheng's arms. Lu Sheng's face flashed an unnatural look when he saw the visitor.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Lu Tiangui glanced up at them and suddenly felt that he had come at a very bad time. He cleared his throat and said: "I'll come Look at my granddaughter-in-law. "

Huo Xi's head, which was buried in Lu Sheng's arms, came out slowly. She was still held by a man. This position It's not serious enough.

Huo Xi kicks his leg and signals Lu Sheng to put himself down. Then he says hello to Lu Laozi anxiously and carefully: "Lu Grandpa Lu. "

Before Lu Sheng's mother died, her family also liked her very much. Later This is a situation where fire and water are not allowed.

Huo Xi is worried that Lu Tiangui will hate her like Lu Changsheng, Lu Sheng's father, and hate her. So Huo Xi yells at people and keeps his head down and his body next to Lu Sheng. This is a state of fear.

"Well." Grandpa Lu didn't face each other coldly, and didn't scold and drink coldly. Although it was just a light promise, he also had some gentleness and love.

"Have you eaten?" Grandpa Lu asked her.

Huo Xi was shocked for a while, and raised his head in surprise. Huo Xi thought that Lu Tiangui's gentle response was his greatest patience. He did not expect that he would ask if he had eaten.

Huo Xi shakes her head. She has not eaten since she went out this morning. The old man reminds her that she is a little hungry.

"Then come and eat with me." Mr. Lu took the lead in going to the restaurant. The servants at home had already come back and had prepared their meals.

Huo Xi was flattered. He couldn't believe that Lao Tzu Lu even asked her to have dinner with him.

Looking back at Lu Sheng beside him, I seem to want to get a little information about what Lu Laozi is selling.

However, in response to her, Lu Sheng was equally confused and unfathomable.

"Let's go." Lu Sheng took her hand, took her to the dining table, and silently accompanied the old man to finish his meal.

Lu Laozi wipes the corners of his mouth with a paper towel, looks at Huo Xi, and then says to Lu Sheng, "since you are married, you can do the banquet later, but you can't delay such an important thing as honeymoon. In this period of time, I will let your father take over the company's big and small affairs again, and you will accompany Xiao Xi to play in France."

The words of Lu Laozi make Huoxi and Lu Sheng both shocked. Huoxi didn't expect that. Just now, Lu Laozi heard what they said.

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