"Whatever." Xu Jingwen takes back her eyes and lets Li zewen lead her to his chosen room.

"Brother in law, you can share a room with my cousin tonight. This desert island looks terrible. My cousin will be afraid at night!" Zhou Lai never forgets to bring Huo Xinrong and Lu Sheng together, hoping to snatch Lu Sheng back from Huoxi.

Lu Sheng's face was not very good-looking, and he kept his face taut and said nothing.

Huo Xinrong is very observant and knows that Lu Sheng is not happy, so he takes the initiative to scold Zhou Lai: "Zhou Lai, what are you talking about? Even if brother Lu Sheng is not married to Huo Xi, we definitely have no reason to live together."

However, Zhou Lai didn't care about it and bumped into Huo Xinrong's arm: "cousin, are you shy? But my brother-in-law didn't say anything. What are you shy about? "


"What is this?" Just as Huo Xinrong was about to speak, a few people passed by them, and a man seemed to hear their voices and sneer at them.

When Huo Xinrong and Zhou Lai look over, the man quickly lowers his head and runs away pretending to say nothing.

"Dead Bagong!" Zhou Lai scolded angrily. Turning around, Lu Sheng had picked up Huo Xinrong and strode forward.

He didn't want to listen to Zhou Lai's chattering and talking without brains.

But Zhou Lai screamed in surprise, hoping to put a trumpet in Huo Xi's ear and shouted: "brother in law and boyfriend force, Princess hug ah!"

Huo Xi, who has returned to his room and lies in bed, said, "mad is mentally retarded!"

Through a wall and a door, you can still hear the sound of Zhou Lai's pig brain, and sleep uneasily!

Everyone chose their own room and was ready to have a rest.

As soon as Huo Xi closed her eyes, her mobile phone lit up and someone sent her a message.

I didn't expect that there was still a signal on this crappy island.

Huo Xidian opens a message, it is when Xiao Xi sends, ask her: "hear?"

Huo Xi knows what he wants to say. This is to ask her. Did you hear the voice that Zhou Lai just preached?

Huo Xi was very upset and replied to him in a random way: "No."

Xiao Xi thought it funny: "I didn't hear it. How do I know what I said?"

Huoxi: "no matter what you say, I didn't hear you."

It's really willful.

"Do you feel lonely?" Soon, Xiao Xishi sent another message.

Huo Xi rolled his eyes. "Xiao Xi, if you feel bored, I suggest you go out and fish. Maybe we can all have fresh fish soup tonight."

Xiao Xi said: "but I prefer to chat with you. Otherwise, I'll come to your room. Anyway, there is no one else in your room, or you come to my room? I don't know anyone else in my room. It's very safe. How about having a heart to heart talk? "

Huoxi: "talk about your big head, sleep, don't go back!"

Huo Xi threw his cell phone, angrily covered his face with quilt, and went to sleep.

Before long, the sound of pushing at the door suddenly came to Huo Xi's ears.

She suddenly felt afraid, even if it was daytime and even if it was all their people outside, but she still had a dense panic in her heart. She tightly held her body with her hands, opened the quilt corner, and looked at the direction of the door.

After she chose the room, she locked the door, so people outside couldn't come in.

After a while, the footsteps outside went far, and the man seemed to give up pushing the door.

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