Huo Xi didn't want to mention that bad memory. In those years abroad, she always thought that she would be dragged to the streets at any time by those people, or directly rushed to her rental house to spoil her.

Although she was safe later, and was rescued by the local police and good-natured people after several accidents, it still became a shadow that she would never forget.

"Because..." As soon as Huoxi thought of that bad memory, his body fell into endless fear and sadness.

Imagine that you go to a foreign country to look for the most important person in your life with all your hopes, but in that difficult process, you are bullied and harassed by those abnormal hooligans.

Living in despair every day, as time goes by, that memory will leave a deep shadow in your life. When similar situations appear, those fear buried in your heart will also crawl out like maggots attached to your bones, clinging to you like a shadow. Can you not let people fear despair?

Lu Sheng looks at the girl in her arms. She seems to fall into that memory again. The fear in her eyes is more and more intense.

For a moment, he really wanted to put out his hand to cover her mouth and not let her go on.

"Because In those years when I was abroad, I often In the middle of the night Received Be harassed by those people. "

Lu Sheng's heart ached and the whole person was tense.

Huo Xi was depressed and cried: "they kept slapping my door, saying all kinds of ugly words, and And I'm going to

"Enough!" Lu Sheng can't hear any more. He can't imagine how she came over those three years.

It's only three years since I left him. Why did I live like this?

I knew that he shouldn't let her go. If he didn't let her go, she might never encounter those.

Lu Sheng holds the girl in her arms tighter, her eyes are blue and her eyes are full of tears.

Huo Xi closed his eyes and let the hot tears fall on the man. Then he raised his head and asked the man holding her with a smile: "brother Lusheng, I told you my secret. You can't leave me tonight. There is Zhou Lai beside Huo Xinrong, but I have no one except you."

She lost even her beloved brother-in-law.

Lu Sheng looks down at the smile on her face. Somehow, he feels that it's dazzling. He doesn't like her smiling at him like this. He always feels that she is far away from her.

His hand fell on her face, gently stroked, and said: "you also promise me that you will never look at Xiao Xi again!"

His woman, can only be loyal to him!

Huo Xi blinked and said with a pure and blank face: "when did I look at Xiao Xi? He and I have only met a few times. "

"After meeting several times, you trust him and ask him to take you to the airport? You let him touch your hand! " Lu Sheng grabs her hand. He grabs her soft little hand in the palm and forces her to clasp her ten fingers.

On the plane, she and shawsy did not ignore the trick of palming.

Huo Xizhang opened his mouth: "brother Lu Sheng, do you even eat this kind of vinegar? It's just a game. If you don't think it's normal, what are you and Huo Xinrong? "

Just in front of so many people holding Huo Xinrong, I really think she is a fish's memory, forget when it's over?

Who knows that as soon as this speech exits, saw Lu Sheng's face with the naked eye visible speed black down.

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