"Good morning." Xiao Xi also got up very early, his face looked energetic, and he didn't see a trace of fatigue.

"Jingwen, getting up so early, is making breakfast for Li zewen?" When Xiao Xi saw Xu Jingwen busy among the staff, he asked casually.

He knew Xu Jingwen through Huo Xicai, but in fact, there was not much intersection.

He only knew that when he was at school, Xu Jingwen seemed to be a couple with Huo Xi's brother-in-law.

As for how she was with Li zewen later, he was not sure, but it was someone else's business, and he would not go to gossip.

However, this question, but let Xu Jingwen's face, emerge a touch of embarrassment, gently shook her head and said: "I made breakfast for Xiaoxi, can you help me send it to her?"

She could see that when Huoxi was more willing to get close to shawsy than she was, she might as well let shawsy work instead of sending her breakfast in person and making Huoxi unhappy.

Xiao Xi sat down next to her, with a grass just plucked in his mouth: "why don't you send it by yourself, you and Huo Xi..."

Even a fool can see what's wrong between Huo Xi and Xu Jingwen.

Xiao Xi didn't ask. She didn't want to inquire about their sisters' privacy.

But now it seems that things may be worse than he thought.

"If you're in trouble, that's fine." Xu Jingwen really lowers her head and doesn't bother him any more, which makes Xiao Xi's curiosity even more like cat's claw scratching.

But since she didn't want to say it, shawsy wouldn't force her to say it. She took her breakfast, yawned and turned away. "Don't forget to make me a bowl, too. I'll be right back."

Xu Jingwen looks at the back of his uninhibited departure, and the corners of her mouth slowly hook up.

However, as soon as I look back, I can see that Li zewen is standing not far away, his eyes are fixed on her, and a wry sneer is raised at the corner of his mouth, and he comes to her slowly.

"I got up so early in the morning to make breakfast for other men?"

Xu Jingwen slightly lowered her eyes, and explained with no expression: "I asked him to send it to Huo Xi for me."

Li zewen's face didn't get any better. Instead, his tone became more sour. He said with a grim smile: "it was to make breakfast for the niece of his ex boyfriend. Jingwen, you are so kind. Your fiance is still hungry. What you remember is someone else? After all these years, am I not good enough for you? "

Xu Jingwen turned away, his voice still as cold as water: "it's not what you think. Huo Xi was scared last night, I just want to comfort her."

With that, she raised a bowl of breakfast for him: "this is for you. Eat it while it's hot."

Put breakfast in front of him, she got up and left.

Li zewen looked back at her back and saw the hot breakfast in front of her eyes. There was a complex emotion in her eyes.


Lu Sheng is not a sleepy person. Before long, he woke up. He didn't get up until he accompanied the girl in his arms.

"Dong Dong." Knock on the door, listen to the rhythm, and guess who is outside.

"What can I do for you?" Lu Sheng's tone was not very good, and his face was cold.

"Breakfast for Xiaoxi." Xiao Xi's uninhibited voice sounded outside the door, which made Lu Sheng's face more ugly.

If it was anything else, he would not hesitate to drive him away, but breakfast

Lu Sheng looks down at the girl in his arms. Last night, he was frightened. He should have a good breakfast in the morning and forget the unpleasant memories.

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