Feeling the woman's compromise and initiative, Fu Jinyan's sneer at her lips clearly shows that since she has purposeful obedience, she doesn't need to be polite to her.

It's more painful than last time. I think of Tang family, but I can only bear it.

Because of his lack of physical strength and the fact that he has not yet recovered from his illness, Tang Jinshe faints in the dark.


When Tang Jinshe opened his eyes again, it was the morning of the next day.

In the trees outside the apartment, the birds chirped, adding some vitality to the quiet surroundings.

The morning light came in through the gap in the curtain, adding a ray of light to the dark room.

Tang Jinshe's eyes were slightly sideways, and there was no figure of Fu Jinyan on his side. He looked at the mess on the ground, frowned slightly, and his eyes flashed with a touch of complex emotions.


I won.

Good job, Tang Jinshe.

Tang Jinshe secretly refuels himself and holds his small hand tightly, only to find that the palm of his hand has been pinched with blood.

Tang Jinshe purses her lips and looks for her own clothes. Yesterday's clothes have been torn out of shape. They can't be worn out any more

Hard to get up, pick up the "debris" on the ground, throw it into the trash can, Tang Jinshe raised his hand to open the closet in the bedroom, from the uniform men's shirt, casually picked a white man's shirt to cover his body.

It's mainly because of the good quality of clothes. It's very comfortable to wear them.

In a word, Tang Jinse has some impressions. Fu Jinyan's clothes are excellent.

Both food and clothing are extremely elegant.

It has to be customized.

So how can the quality be bad.

It's just that the luxurious clothes on the body make people inexplicably nervous, anxious and have a different taste.


In the living room.

Fu Jinyan had already sat at the table and had breakfast elegantly, while in his hand was the morning paper that had just arrived this morning.

In the era of high technology, he still kept the habit of reading newspapers.

Fu Jinyan has many other good habits.

Such as food, sleep and so on.

In short, a man is a man of great self-discipline.

His discipline is amazing.


"Fu Shao, when are you going to announce our wedding news to me?"

A meter away from the dining table, Tang stopped and did not plan to join the table.

After all, there is only one piece of cutlery on that table.

Besides, she didn't forget that she didn't want to stay in this apartment for a night.

Marry Fu Jinyan, that's what she asked for this time!

"Marriage news, what marriage news?" Fu Jin Yan put down the newspaper in his hand with a light tone, as if he had never paid attention to it.

Tang Jinshe's face tightened, but the man's voice came again: "Oh, I remember..."

"I said yesterday that I would marry you as long as your performance satisfied me."

Fu Jin Yan then said cruelly to Tang Jin SE's slightly hopeful eyes: "it's a pity that after the second inspection last night, I found that I was still not satisfied with your performance, so I can't take it seriously when I marry you."

"Fu Jinyan!"

Hearing this, Tang Jinshe stumbled back, but there was a touch of shaking under the angry tone.

Isn't it satisfying to toss her up until midnight last night?

Tang Jinshe can see that Fu Jinyan is prevaricating himself!

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