Lu Sheng's hand suddenly grabbed her neck, trying to force her, but he couldn't get off.

This woman always has such a strong magic that he can't control his emotions.

"It was you who forced me to get married, and now I can't wait to divorce you. Huo Xi, who are you when I am Lu Sheng?"

Huo Xi saw the raging anger in the man's eyes, his body shrank, and he wanted to escape. His eyes also panicked: "if it wasn't Huo Xinrong's mother and daughter, I wouldn't force you that way."

She can't help it. If she hasn't been sent to his bed by his mother and daughter and kept pestering him again and again, she won't marry him in exchange.

"They forced you?" Lu Sheng's fingers clasped her chin, as if hearing a joke, "Xinrong will force you to marry me? Huo Xi, has anyone ever told you that when you tell a lie, you should think about whether your lie is so easy to be broken down? "

His fingers were very hard, almost crushing her chin. Huo Xi's eyes were full of tears and his eyes were staring at the handsome face of the man.

"Since you think it's a very easy lie to break, do you think I'm really so stupid and will tell it in front of you? Lu Sheng, do you really think Huo Xinrong loves you as much as you think? "

"She can send me to your bed at all costs for the property of my grandfather's family. You think that when I just returned home, I was penniless and had no friends. Who has the ability to help me climb up your bed?"

The man's eyes set off the waves, as if he didn't believe what she said.

Yes, Huo Xinrong is pure and beautiful in his heart just like the snow lotus on the snow mountain. How could he believe that she would do such a thing to him.

The man suddenly chuckled out, did not know whether it was mocking or angry: "you say that all these are designed by Xinrong? Just for your grandfather's property? Huo Xi, do you forget who I am, who I open my mouth, and what I have left behind in my fingers is more than ten times that of your family? "

This is no exaggeration. In the whole K City, who can have their Lu family rich?

When she marries Lu Sheng, Huo Xinrong wants nothing. Why should she go all the way around? In such a big circle, she not only loses Lu Sheng but also loses her soldiers. In the end, she may not get anything.

"Because she is jealous of me, my mother's noble birth is a rich lady, and I was loved by my grandfather and my brother-in-law when I was young. When I went out with her, others only saw me as a real and clean lady. Without her illegitimate daughter, my mother was still a lady on the stage!"

"She wants to empty out all my things, want me to have no way back, want to see me displaced, better than a beggar, even wish I could die!"

Every word of hers comes out loud, from a complaint in her soul.

Lu Sheng looked at the tears in her eyes. He felt like he was cut by a knife. He could not control the pain and tightened his strength. He buckled her thin waist.

Huo Xi didn't stop and continued, "more importantly, she knows that you don't love me and you hate me. Even if you marry me, sooner or later you will kick me away! At that time, I really have nothing, no you, no Huo family, no gu family... "

She looked at the man's face, tears like the flood of the levee, suddenly flood into disaster.

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