There was no echo behind her. At this time, ye Ying raised her arrow and swept at Zhou Lai's back. After Zhou Lai sent out a sharp scream, she was eliminated.

Ye Ying's position was also exposed. Huo Xinrong raised an arrow to shoot at her position, and ran to the back of the nearby stone to avoid Ye Ying's attack.

"Ye Ying, be careful!" At first sight, ye Ying is about to be shot dead by Huo Xinrong. Her people rush over and block in front of Ye Ying. Over there, Zhou Lai has been eliminated, but unwilling to raise an arrow and shoot another arrow at Ye Ying.

"I want you to kill me, to die!"

Ye Ying's people fell in front of her, and there was a blood hole in her back. Ye Ying was shocked. Her people hurriedly pushed her away: "Ye Ying, go quickly. I'm going to take Zhou Lai away."

Otherwise, Zhou Laishi, who doesn't follow the rules of the game, must kill them all. What's going on.

Ye Ying is furious. She wants to stop the game. No one they play like this has died and been eliminated. She can still pose as a corpse and shoot people.

"Too much!" Ye Ying is annoyed. At this time, she hears the cry of another staff member beside her. She is shot dead by Huo Xinrong.

"Ye Ying, run away." Two staff members who "died" in front of Ye Ying finally said, take off VR eyes and drag Zhou Lai out of the game area.

Now there are only three people left in the game, Huo Xihuo Xinrong and ye Ying. In the dark, Huo Xihe has pointed the arrow at Huo Xinrong's head. Just when he was ready to shoot, the game added another person.

It's Zhou Lai who comes back from the dead. She gave the staff some money to "bribe" and buy a life to be reborn. This is the biggest feature of the game. The people in the game, who have the money, will be reborn, but there is only one chance to be reborn.

"I'll go. How else can I play this game?" Ye yingmu's eyes gaped, but she was too angry.

Ye Ying is aware of the danger. Huo Xinrong and Zhou Lai are now two people. She must find Huoxi to join hands with her immediately, otherwise they are not rivals of their sisters at all.

"Huo..." Wait for her to shout to finish, Huo Xinrong turns round suddenly, after a few arrows, sharp arrow shot in leaf cherry's forehead.

In less than half an hour, ye Ying finished the game, and still had some ideas.

There are only Huo Xinrong's sisters and Huo Xi left in the game. We have to say that Huo Xinrong's arrow technique is really good. They don't mean to kill each other. They join hands and look for Huo Xi everywhere.

Ye Ying suddenly has the illusion of escaping from death. Huo Xi is the only human being left in the world. Huo Xinrong's sisters are the corpses of all evils. They are looking for Huo Xi's people everywhere.

Before ye Ying left, she shivered and told Huoxi, "you should do it yourself. I can't be revived after being eliminated. I can't help you."

Huoxi still didn't make a sound, the whole person just like disappeared from the game world.

Sister Huo Xinrong is still wandering around with an arrow. Maybe she has been looking for it for a long time. Zhou Lai gets impatient and begins to scold people: "Huo Xi, get out of here and hide all the time. What's a turtle with skills..."

"Bang --"

there was a red blood hole in her forehead in an instant, and after that, there was a sharp scream in the game area.

"Huo Xi, I'm going to kill you, you bitch. You dare to sneak on me. You have the ability to fight with my cousin in a fair and aboveboard way. See if my cousin doesn't shoot you to the ground and roll you around, crying!"

The swearing was rather harsh.

Huo Xi didn't mean to hide all the time. After she shot the first arrow, everyone was shocked.

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