Huo Xinrong's eyes widened in surprise, and there was ecstasy in his eyes: "Uncle Lu......"

Lu Changsheng looked at the eye ward and said softly: "Xin Rong, Lu Sheng is coming back this time. You can fight for it. His marriage with Huo Xi won't last long. The position of Lu's little wife is yours sooner or later. Do you know what uncle means?"

Huo Xinrong smiled and nodded: "well, uncle I know, but brother Lu Sheng It seems that I care about Huo Xi very much. I was injured for her this time. "

Needless to say, Lu Changsheng can understand what she wants to express.

Lu shengken must have put Huoxi in his heart for Huoxi's injury.

Lu Changsheng said angrily: "Lu Sheng is just playing with her. When he got the license with her, he was forced to do it for you. As long as you are smart, you are afraid that you will lose to someone who doesn't win?"

Lu Changsheng encouraged Huo Xinrong, who was wavering in his heart after going to France, to stand firm suddenly. She nodded, "don't worry, uncle Lu. I know how to do it."

No matter whether Lu Sheng falls in love with Huo Xi or not, even if he really does, then what?

Huoxi killed his mother. The Lu family will never forgive her. It is impossible for Lu Sheng to live with her forever.

She is the only one walking with Lu Sheng at last.

As for Huo Xi, sooner or later, she can let her go from Lu Sheng's heart to the end!

After seeing Lu Changsheng off, Huo Xinrong came back to the ward in a brisk pace.

The window of the ward opened again, and the porridge on the table had been eaten for the most part. Lu Sheng lay there, his eyes fixed on the direction of the window.

Huo Xinrong raised his lips and smiled. He strode over and raised the bowl. "Brother Lu Sheng, do you want to eat?"

"No more."

Huo Xinrong didn't insist: "well, it's good for your health to eat less when you wake up after sleeping so long. I'll take the porridge and pour it out. What do you want to eat in the evening, and tell me I'll make it for you."

Lu Sheng frowned and shook his head. "I don't want to eat anything. Don't do it."

After a pause, he said, "you haven't cooked before. Don't hurt yourself. You've been very tired here these days. Go back and have a good rest. I'll send you a boat. "

The tone is not to be rejected.

Huo Xinrong's face was stupefied for a moment, then he said happily, "brother Lusheng, are you concerned about me?"

Lu Sheng didn't answer. He couldn't deny it. Huo Xinrong was overjoyed. He couldn't hide his joy and said shyly, "OK, I'll listen to you. Then you have a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

He still has some sincerity to himself. As long as she is obedient and takes good care of her, she can't believe that she can't take back the man's heart.

"Well." Lu Sheng said lightly.

After Huo Xinrong left, Lu Sheng fell asleep. It was dark when he woke up.

The door was very quiet, and the people guarding the door didn't know where they had gone.

Lu Sheng's ear strength is very good. Even if he is seriously injured and is so close, he can still hear the movement outside.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked out of the door. At this moment, the door of the ward was gently pushed open.

Huo Xi crept in like a little wild cat that sneaked into someone's house to steal food.

Lu Sheng's mouth curved in a shallow arc and closed his eyes.

Huo Xi closes the door and turns over to see that Lu Sheng is still lying on the bed, seemingly still awake.

She sat down beside him, took his hand gently and looked at the quiet face of the man.

It's dark outside the window. It's very quiet everywhere.

Huo Xi lowered his head and the voice rang out slowly: "Lu Sheng, why are you still awake? How much are you hurt? "

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