When I came yesterday, I only brought a piece of bread that I had eaten. The man could not help but eat it.

She was so upset that even if she couldn't get in today, she didn't want to come empty handed.

Now, he can have her hot dinner.

"Well." Lu Sheng looked at the girl's bright smile, with clear light in her eyes and a low voice. "You can come whenever you want in the future. You don't have to sneak around or wait until night."

Huo Xi breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't hide the smile under her eyes. She opened the hot porridge she had brought and said with some appreciation: "didn't you complain about what I didn't bring you yesterday? Look, I spent a day cooking it for you. You can't blame me if it's not delicious! "

She has cooked meals. A few years ago, when she was alone abroad, she didn't have the aura of a young lady, and she didn't have much money. She could only cook for herself like an ordinary person.

She is good at cooking, but after eating Lusheng, she may not feel good. She is a little worried and looking forward to it.

"Then I'll decide whether to blame you for my taste." Although the man is joking, the expression on his face seems to be too thin.

Huo Xi thought of Lu Changsheng, who ran into him this morning. He was confused and asked tentatively, "do you know your father is here today?"

Lu Sheng stretched out his head to watch Huo Xi's porridge. Soon, he took back his hand as if nothing had happened, and his voice answered lazily, "HMM."

He didn't seem to want to mention his father to her.

Huo Xi sat beside him stiff and poured out the porridge for him. He continued to ask carefully, "what didn't your father say to you? He Do you mind if I'm with you? "

Mind is certain, Huoxi just want to know if Lu Changsheng has to fight with her. She doesn't have him.

If that is the case, things will be very troublesome. She wants to be with Lu Sheng, but she doesn't want to make him break up at home.

After quietly bringing Lu Sheng back to China, Lu Changsheng has been hiding Lu Sheng. He has been guarded by someone, but he doesn't want her to see Lu Sheng again.

But this morning I saw her lying in Lu Sheng's hospital bed. I can imagine how angry he was at that time, and whether he would transfer this anger to Lu Sheng's head and force him to do something he didn't want.

Lu Sheng didn't seem to want to discuss this topic. He casually passed by and shouted, "give me porridge. It's going to be cold. Do you want me to eat cold porridge and murder my husband?"

Huo Xi felt a bit lost. Lu Changsheng really said something bad to him. Up to now, he didn't want to be honest with her.

It's not easy to feel that only one person is trying to move forward, but Huo Xi doesn't keep on pestering, which will only hurt both of them.

She adjusted the porridge, put it into Lu Sheng's mouth, and began to feed him.

The man's deep eyes, with a little dark meaning, stared at her closely.

Huo Xi was very uncomfortable with him. He asked him without any words: "Lu Sheng, if I give you another chance, would you listen to them that day and insert the knife into your leg?"

If the time can be repeated, Huo Xi doesn't want him to do that. If it's not Xiao Xi's time, even if he hurts most of them, I'm afraid he will die.

This way of pinning hope on others is too risky, and anything that happens can be fatal.

If Lu Sheng doesn't stab himself, he can escape by himself.

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