"No." Huo Xi thinks about it. She has nothing to do recently. If she has to choose one, "I just want to stay with you."

After re cultivating and re deciding to give her heart to him, Huo Xi's mentality seems to return to the way he stuck behind him a few years ago. She would like to be with him every day. Just looking at him, she would be satisfied.

"Good." The man's eyes were originally looking at the front. Hearing this, he looked up at her eyes. The deep eye base was firm and broad, which made Huo Xi feel uneasy again.

Women's intuition is always so unclear and accurate.

Huo Xi had something to ask him, but when he saw the man, he saw his jaw slightly tightened. Without saying it, she swallowed it by herself.

Maybe she thinks too much, and is always worried about gain and loss. It's rare that he is so happy tonight. She shouldn't spoil his happiness.

Huo Xi choked for a moment, raised his mouth and looked ahead, pretended nothing had happened, holding his hand and jumping like a child.

After that, Lu Sheng took her to the commercial street.

Looking at the window full of the latest clothes of the season, Huo Xi's eyes lit up.

"Buy whatever you like." The man's voice was low, like demagogues.

"I can buy whatever I like?" Huo Xi's voice leaped with joy.

"Of course."

"What if I'm itchy and buy too much?"

There are not only clothes but also jewels in this mall.

Huo Xi used to be a rich man. He went shopping crazily.

But later, there was no dependence, no one gave her unconditional payment, but also suffered, and realized that every penny in her hand was hard won, and there was no longer the pleasure of being extravagant.

"You can buy the whole mall." Men have absolute confidence capital.

Huo Xi knew that he had money. Even if she bought all the shopping streets, he could afford it.

But Huo Xi didn't do that, bending his eyes and smiling: "I'm going to buy the whole mall. Don't you think I'm a loser?"

She can't manage or do business. She is a person who is not diligent and knows nothing. Even if she buys the shopping mall, she won't take care of it. In the end, she will only lose in her hands and become a pile of waste products.

Lu Sheng slightly hooks his lips and holds her back neck. He doesn't answer the question, "will you lose your family?"

Do you believe her?

"It's frightening to lose my family." She deliberately scares men, but her shopping spree didn't scare her younger brother-in-law who followed her to pay for her. How could she scare Dr. Lu, who has already achieved great success and has great financial power?

Lu Sheng smiled and walked into a luxury brand store holding her hand.

Many people's cognition of Huoxi is actually biased.

The girl is neither obstinate and willful in the legend nor cruel and mean in the rumor. She is just a little princess who has been spoiled but never crossed the line.

Unlike Huo Xinrong, she pretended in front of all people, hoping that all people would know the identity of her rich and famous lady, and then offered her high to look up and admire on the altar.

It's not like Zhou Lai's whirring, rampaging, reckless and brainless.

She will only become a wounded lion when she is enraged. Even so, she will not catch anyone to bite. When she is brushed, she is gentle and lovely like a small animal with temperature and heartbeat in her palm, which makes people want to take care of her.

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