But how did he see it? Something happened between them. They broke up.

Now that Xu Jingwen has separated from Gu Yu and become Li zewen's girlfriend, how can she stay willingly to take care of her ex boyfriend's little niece and break up with her own?

Xu Jingwen stretched out and wanted to be horned by Huo Xili's hand. After a long time, her eyes and eyelashes trembled. She started to smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "it's all over. Why do you mention it again? You only need to know that I won't hurt Huo Xili."

Past events are like clouds and smoke. For others, they are stories that can be told clearly in a few words. For her, they are painful for half of her life and hard to look back.

The wound between the eyebrows and eyes of a woman is about to turn into water.

Xiao Xi didn't mean to poke the scar in her heart. Although he was curious about the break of their relationship, he wasn't the one who didn't know the reason, so he stopped asking.

No matter what happened between them, he knew very well that Xu Jingwen would not hurt her, or she would not call herself.

That's enough.

Xiao Xi looked at Huoxi at last, and obeyed Xu Jingwen 's arrangement with kindness: "OK, I will come back tomorrow, you Also have a good rest. Remember to call me if anything happens. "


When Xiao Xi left, Xu Jingwen kept Huo Xi and gradually felt sleepy.

This is Lujia's hospital. Lujia has always been rich and powerful, especially the VIP ward, which is decorated like a luxury hotel.

Next to the ward is the place where the patient's family can rest. There are all kinds of sofa and fruits.

Xu Jingwen went to the sofa and put on a thin blanket at will. She lay down and went to sleep.

She did not sleep comfortingly, a little movement can wake her up.

So when the door of the ward was opened, she woke up almost immediately.

Lu Sheng came here when the black people were still at night.

After a day's suffering, he can't support it until now. He has to come to see her.

The tall figure came in from the outside, and the steps were very light, but the movements were leisurely.

He came to Huoxi's hospital bed and looked down at the weak and dying girl on the bed. She looked more haggard, without blood on her face, as if all the blood had been drained.

Only the thick black eyebrows and the dark and dense eyelashes make her look more quiet and clever.

The night was peaceful, but his eyes were startled, as if there was a thunder and lightning, quietly split into his heart, and even the most powerful heart was split in an instant, rotten to the point of blood and flesh.

He took a deep breath. When he exhaled, he heard his voice trembling in the air. His chest seemed to be gouged out.

He leaned down and tried to touch her face with his fingers. He was afraid of breaking her. He was careful not to fall down for a long time.

Why is she so quiet? Why haven't you woke up yet?

He would rather she opened her eyes to see him, full of resentment, hoarse cry, never want her to lie so quietly, as if she didn't care about everything.

Even if he gave her things to the person she hated the most, she would not say a word. A person silently swallowed all the pain, then closed his eyes, and would not wake up again.

The man's eyes slowly red up, and finally didn't dare to touch her, he took his hand back. At this time, the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of the divorce agreement, the real estate certificate he left her, and the bank card.

She brought all the things he gave her. What does she want to do?

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